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""""276 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.(or winter) schools for the workers ;in the EnglishPresbyterian Mission in Swatow district this has been aroutine practice for several years, and is found to be ofvalue to all who attend. Agreatrecently founded societyfor all the preachers wives in the Hinghwa district, forstudy and work, gives promise of yielding rich resultsthese workers.amongEVANGEL ISTICWORK.Turning to methods of evangelistic work, one findsvery little that is new, but everywhere there is referenceto the increased opportunities, whether in the homes ofthe people or in hospital wards and waiting rooms.At Fooclunv an A. B. C. F. M. worker holds a weeklysocial, to which the Bible-women invite any non-Christianwomen who will come; pictures are shown, new r spapersread ; any who wish are taught to read, and a Gospel talkcloses the afternoon. At Tingchowfu, the L,. M. S.missionary is "at home on Saturday afternoons, andsometimes fifty or sixty women will come to"play,"but with few exceptions are pleased to listen to theGospel. At Canton the Baptist Mission has a guestroom, and we are told that many women leave withfaces brighter and hearts more hopeful."At Foochowin the Methodist Mission a poor woman who acceptedthe Gospel and developed leprosy became the firstworker in the leper village, where a very encouragingwork is now carried on. In the C. M. S. at Foochow an interesting work is carried on among thenumerous boatwomen the workers;go in their ownboat among the sampans and preach to all who arewilling to come and listen, and a half-day schoolis held for young women and girls. On the wholeone isimpressed with the man} 7 openings for ork andwrinclined to think there may be room for ingenuity andin "push" finding new methods forto come in.compelling them

"WOMAN S WORK IN GENERAL. 27-INDUSTRIAL WORK.A form of work which is for Christians and non-Christians alike is industrial work, but this is notlargely developed in South China. In Foochow bothC. M. S. and M. E. M. have industrial homes with alarge number of women workers ;at Kucheng there is asimilar home more than one writer from the; Amoydistrict speaks of the desirability of such work;whileat Hongkong with the L- M. S. it is being tried in thewomen s school, but without great success so far.WORK OF CHRISTIAN WOMEN.It remains to notice voluntary work done byChristian women. This alas, is by no means considerable,but there has evidently been growth in the rightdirection during these three years. Several of theAmoy stations speak of the "sisters" going out oncertain days to visit and teach heathen neighbours, andat Chinchew a regular campaign was held at ChineseNew Year time, when much earnest work was done bythe women. At Canton True Light Seminary theseventy-eight pupils (women and girls) now supportthree Bible- women. At Hweian the women take up acollection every Sunday, and at the end of the year, atan annual social gathering, vote the money to somebranch of mission work, or some special object. Thesemay be taken as specimens of what is going on quietlyin many stations, when the thought saved to save" isgradually dawning on the hearts of the sisters as Christbecomes more real to them. In this connection it isencouraging to note the increase of self-support inmany of the schools. It is still the day of small things,but there is life, and therefore growth, and every reasonto thank God and take courage.E. BEN HAM.

""""276 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.(or winter) schools for the workers ;in the EnglishPresbyterian Mission in Swatow district this has been aroutine practice for several years, and is found to be ofvalue to all who attend. Agreatrecently founded societyfor all the preachers wives in the Hinghwa district, forstudy and work, gives promise of yielding rich resultsthese workers.amongEVANGEL ISTICWORK.Turning to methods of evangelistic work, one findsvery little that is new, but everywhere there is referenceto the increased opportunities, whether in the homes ofthe people or in hospital wards and waiting rooms.At Fooclunv an A. B. C. F. M. worker holds a weeklysocial, to which the Bible-women invite any non-Christianwomen who will come; pictures are shown, new r spapersread ; any who wish are taught to read, and a Gospel talkcloses the afternoon. At Tingchowfu, the L,. M. S.missionary is "at home on Saturday afternoons, andsometimes fifty or sixty women will come to"play,"but with few exceptions are pleased to listen to theGospel. At Canton the Baptist Mission has a guestroom, and we are told that many women leave withfaces brighter and hearts more hopeful."At Foochowin the Methodist Mission a poor woman who acceptedthe Gospel and developed leprosy became the firstworker in the leper village, where a very encouragingwork is now carried on. In the C. M. S. at Foochow an interesting work is carried on among thenumerous boatwomen the workers;go in their ownboat among the sampans and preach to all who arewilling to come and listen, and a half-day schoolis held for young women and girls. On the wholeone isimpressed with the man} 7 openings for ork andwrinclined to think there may be room for ingenuity andin "push" finding new methods forto come in.compelling them

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