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274 CHINA MISSION YKAK KOOK.A Saturday evening class for the women Christianswho help on Sunday in teaching the Sunday Schoollesson to heathen strangers has been most beneficial.(Hunan.)This little sketch of woman s work in this regionmust not close without making mention of the beautifultestimonies which have come in of the faithful lives andefficient work of the Chinese women helpers pastorswives and day-school teachers, as well as Bible-womenof greatly varied training not only in important centresbut often in lonely and particularly difficult fields. Forsuch work as theirs statistics are impossible, but we areconvinced that their influence for good in the uplift ofthe womanhood and the home-life of China has beenincalculable.(Mrs. Frank J.Raven.)ELSIE vSiTESRAVEN.Women s Work in General South China.The scope of this article is work in the threesouthern provinces Fukien, Kwangtung, Kwangsiand information has been collected from seven societies.There are doubtless other Protestant societies workingfor the women of these provinces, but it has not beenfound possible to obtain knowledge of what they aredoing. Study of letters and reports gives a general impression that there has been steady progress during thesethree years, but not much that is new or startling ;thisindeed might be expected from the nature of the work.BIBLE-WOMEN.One notes that the work of Bible-women is constantly larger and more appreciated. One writer tellsus that the pastors find that they can do little withoutthe Bible-women to carry on in the homes what they doin the church, while another refers to their labours as

""WOMAN S WORK IN GHNKRAL 275"not noised on earth, praised more in heaven." Andagain we are told that "the Bible-women ;iredoinghonest work miles and miles have been travelled;through heat and cold, visits have been made in homes,prayer meetings held, the Gospel preached, personal talksgiven and as a result lives are; being transformed." Inthese three provinces a band of fully three hundred andfifty women is at work the Methodist; Episcopal Missionleading the van with over one hundred and twenty.The work entrusted to these women varies somewhat ;perhaps in the majority of cases they give all their timeto house-to-house work, either among Christians orheathen as openings occur. But again, in the AmericanBoard Mission in the Foochow district, we find them incharge of station classes, and are told that this workputs them to the test." Sometimes they are put toteach small girls schools, and others do good workteaching women and girls in their homes to readRomanised colloquial this is a feature of their work in;7all the missions at work in the Amoj district, and as theyears pass the number of women who learn to read theirBibles by this agency is rapidly increasing.The training the Bible- women receive also varies ;atFoochow in all the missions there are definite trainingschools" with a fixed course of study and opportunitiesfor practical work in the station class or hospital ward.In most other cases the women s school takes all womenwho are able and willing to study for shorter or longerperiods, and any among these who are fit to becomeBible-women are kept longer and given more teaching.Yet again, in the smaller and newer mission stations thewomen and girls study in the one school, an arrangementwhich probablyall would allow to be not ideal. Somemissionaries are strongly opposed to admitting littlechildren to the women s school, while others speciallymention these little ones, and have started kindergartensfor their benefit ;this is a feature of the A. B. C. F. M.work at Foochow. Several centres have held summer

""WOMAN S WORK IN GHNKRAL 275"not noised on earth, praised more in heaven." Andagain we are told that "the Bible-women ;iredoinghonest work miles and miles have been travelled;through heat and cold, visits have been made in homes,prayer meetings held, the Gospel preached, personal talksgiven and as a result lives are; being transformed." Inthese three provinces a band of fully three hundred andfifty women is at work the Methodist; Episcopal Missionleading the van with over one hundred and twenty.The work entrusted to these women varies somewhat ;perhaps in the majority of cases they give all their timeto house-to-house work, either among Christians orheathen as openings occur. But again, in the AmericanBoard Mission in the Foochow district, we find them incharge of station classes, and are told that this workputs them to the test." Sometimes they are put toteach small girls schools, and others do good workteaching women and girls in their homes to readRomanised colloquial this is a feature of their work in;7all the missions at work in the Amoj district, and as theyears pass the number of women who learn to read theirBibles by this agency is rapidly increasing.The training the Bible- women receive also varies ;atFoochow in all the missions there are definite trainingschools" with a fixed course of study and opportunitiesfor practical work in the station class or hospital ward.In most other cases the women s school takes all womenwho are able and willing to study for shorter or longerperiods, and any among these who are fit to becomeBible-women are kept longer and given more teaching.Yet again, in the smaller and newer mission stations thewomen and girls study in the one school, an arrangementwhich probablyall would allow to be not ideal. Somemissionaries are strongly opposed to admitting littlechildren to the women s school, while others speciallymention these little ones, and have started kindergartensfor their benefit ;this is a feature of the A. B. C. F. M.work at Foochow. Several centres have held summer

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