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WOMAN S WORK IN GENERAL. 273UP-BUILDING AND STRENGTHENING OF CHRISTIANWOMANHOOD.The weekly meetings have proven in many places amost encouraging means of grace. One writes: "Ourmid-week meetings have been wonderfully blessed thisyear. The Spirit of God has been very manifest. Ithas been such a joy to watch the growth of the women.They have had such freedom in prayer and testimony,and their example has been a means of inspiration to thebrethren of the church. They join cheerfully in thevisitation work to increase the attendance at the churchservices and to stimulate any who are cold and indifferent,and to get outside women interested in the Gospel."Another: "A number of women join church eachyear, but the great need is not so much the teachingthe letter of the Gospels as to help them to understandthe mind and spirit of Christ. There is an increasingnumber, however, who are beginning to know the truejoy of being laborers together with Christ."Hwaiyuen reports mothers meetings, where aretaught the privileges and duties of the Christian wifeand mother in the home, and at the same time a playhourisplanned for the children, who are provided witha sand-box, etc., under proper supervision.Stereopticoii lectures on various informational subjects have been given at certain centres, and have notonly attracted new women of the more exclusive classes,but have widened the horizon and enlarged the sympathies of the women of the church.Many of the centres have an "institute" for Biblestudy some each; autumn, some twice a year. OneKiangsu lady reports a three weeks session each springand autumn, at which the women pay their own expenses she providing only the teachers and the dormi;tory. Others have regularly six weeks, others a montheach autumn, of daily classes for Bible reading andspiritual instruction.

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