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""270 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.women of intelligence and position. In one place"MissJ. was presented to the officials, gaining acquaintancethrough teaching calisthenics in the Provincial NormalvSchool, and later visited the yanien ladies. A Bibleclass, twice weekly, has followed. One lady of rank, and,officialthrough her influence, also her brother, a man ofimportance, have determined to be baptized."Reports from Nanking and Changshatell of callsmade regularly in "Widows Homes," institutionsmaintained by the government, one of which houses asas a thousand inmates.manyThrough the Bible- women, women addicted to theopium habit have been brought to the hospitals andbeen saved to serve."More than one report tells of the winning to Christof women who for years had been zealous Buddhistdevotees even nuns among them one a young womanof unusual intelligence, herself the teacher of a girlsschool, who after much questioning and months ofprivate study of the Bible found "the truth" forwhich she had long sought in vain.Practically all the stations report these methods ofreaching the women their work;varying in degree ratherthan kind. Two facts impress one the willingness of:the u omoi to hear and the lamentably inadequate supplyof workers for this particular line of ivork. From thereports we quote:"Inmany places we are buttouching the work, and cannot do more till more workersare sent to enter the field in earnest" (Szechnen)."It is sad to see so many groping after God in thedark and no one to teach them." "Work for womenis still in its infancy with us, but we have cause tohope for great things, for the work has grown mostencouragingly now that a foreign lady has come to takecharge." Evangelistic work has been intermittentowing to lack of lady workers." "Not much of areport can be given so far. Only married ladies withtheir own family cares have beeu at our station till

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