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"WeCHAPTER XIV,WOMAN SWORK IN GENERAL.(Exclusive of Educational and Medical.)Mid-China.scope of this article is work in the Yangtzeprovinces and Chekiang, namely, Kiangsu, Anhwei,Hnpeh, Szechuen, lying wholly or in partnorth of the river, and Chekiang, Kiangsi, Hunan, andKweichow, south of the river.The material herein used has been culled fromletters received in answer to requests for informationaddressed to many of the stations of this territory andalso from the published reports of the various missionboards represented inthis region.We find a marked similarity in these reports ofwoman s work, the aim everywhere being:1. The reaching of the Chinese women and the preaching tothem the Gospel story.2. The giving to them of Bible instruction and preparingthem for church membership.3. The nurturing of the spiritual welfare of the convert andthe upbuilding of Christian womanhood, with the further trainingof some among them for the work of Bible-women, but this lastcomes more properly under the head of educational work.REACHING THE WOMEN.Ca) By guest-room work, that is, by extending friendlinessand hospital it v to them in their visits, often of mere curiosity tothe home of the foreigner or to the "foreign school."have many guests often as many as fifty aday,"writes one lady in Anhwei. "During festiveseasons our guest-room (Chinese reception-room) cannotaccommodate the crowds."

"TheWOMAN S WORK IN GENERAL. 269(b) By liospital Bible-women, that is, by preaching to clinicpatients and their friends when assembled in the waiting-room orby talking to individuals among them ; by morning and eveningprayers conducted for the in-patients and servants, and bypersonal work in the wards.(c) By dispensing charity at times of special distress, as forinstance in the famine region. "The sense of gratitude hasturned indifference and even antagonism to cordiality to themissionary and her message."(d) By giving out to neighboring women such work assewing, embroider} , etc., by which the very needy may gain ahelp, at least, toward their livelihood.primary object is not industrial work so muchas to get in touch with more women. Several havebecome enquirers."In one place (near Ningpo) a smalltowel factory was started to provide employment forwomen, where formerly the Christian workers metantagonism, as there the livelihood of the women wasdependent on their manufacture of paper money (idolmoney). The work is now full of encouragement.(e) By means of meetings held regularly once or twice aweek, to which Christian women are urged to bring heathenfriends and neighbors.(f) And last, and perhaps the most important and effective,because of the personal work involved, by visiting in the homes,including house to house visiting, following up hospital patientsin their homes, responding to invitations to call, and by itineraries to less cultivated regions of from a few days to severalweeks in duration.One lady, though responsible for school work at animportant centre, writes of her itinerary on a donkey onan eighty-mile "circuit," and of how one day she rodefifteen miles and held meetings in six different villages,finding attentive listeners everywhere. "This work isso needed that we should like to give our entire time tosheit," says.Though visiting has been largely in the homes ofthe poor and ignorant and among the great middle class,occasional reports come in telling of work among heathen

"TheWOMAN S WORK IN GENERAL. 269(b) By liospital Bible-women, that is, by preaching to clinicpatients and their friends when assembled in the waiting-room orby talking to individuals among them ; by morning and eveningprayers conducted for the in-patients and servants, and bypersonal work in the wards.(c) By dispensing charity at times of special distress, as forinstance in the famine region. "The sense of gratitude hasturned indifference and even antagonism to cordiality to themissionary and her message."(d) By giving out to neighboring women such work assewing, embroider} , etc., by which the very needy may gain ahelp, at least, toward their livelihood.primary object is not industrial work so muchas to get in touch with more women. Several havebecome enquirers."In one place (near Ningpo) a smalltowel factory was started to provide employment forwomen, where formerly the Christian workers metantagonism, as there the livelihood of the women wasdependent on their manufacture of paper money (idolmoney). The work is now full of encouragement.(e) By means of meetings held regularly once or twice aweek, to which Christian women are urged to bring heathenfriends and neighbors.(f) And last, and perhaps the most important and effective,because of the personal work involved, by visiting in the homes,including house to house visiting, following up hospital patientsin their homes, responding to invitations to call, and by itineraries to less cultivated regions of from a few days to severalweeks in duration.One lady, though responsible for school work at animportant centre, writes of her itinerary on a donkey onan eighty-mile "circuit," and of how one day she rodefifteen miles and held meetings in six different villages,finding attentive listeners everywhere. "This work isso needed that we should like to give our entire time tosheit," says.Though visiting has been largely in the homes ofthe poor and ignorant and among the great middle class,occasional reports come in telling of work among heathen

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