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264 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.The Christian Endeavor Society.The Society of Christian Endeavor originated ina revival which, in the winter of 1880-1881, blessedthe Williston Church of Portland, Maine, U. S. A.On the evening of February 2, 1881, several scores ofyoung converts were gathered together in the pastor sstudy, and the first Young People s Society of ChristianKndeavor was formed, with essentially the present constitution, pledge and methods of work. The practicalresults of this first society went far beyond the expectations of its founder and of its early members. The youngpeople s prayer-meeting, which had been a dead-and-aliveaffair in that church, took on new vigor and continuousenergy. Instead of the two or three elderly youngpeople, who with their pastor had before sustained it,the forty or fifty active members who had signed thepledge took their part, and the activities of the youngpeople, when systematically arranged and definitelyorganized, became ten-fold greater than ever before. Themore they did, the more they found they were able todo. Some of the youngest and most timid members ofthe society soon led the meetings acceptably and helpfully,and the spiritual lives of the young people were deepenedas they formed habits of daily devotional Bible study.In a word, the Society had inaugurated a new eraof spiritual things in that church, and a quiet but realrevival spirit seemed to be perpetual, year in and yearout, among the young people. This experience hasbeen repeated in thousands of churches where C. E.Societies have been organized in all parts of the world.Dr. F. E. Clark, the founder of the Society, hasnamed the following as the four essential principles of7the Christian Endeavor Societ):1. Confession of Christ.2. Service for Christ.3. Loyalty to Christ s Church.4. Fellowship with Christ s People.

"SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. 265He says: With these roots the C. E. tree will bearfruit in any soil/ and his words are fortified by a worldwide experience.The great changes which have taken place in thechurch during the past quarter of a century are largelydue to the Christian Endeavor Society. Denominationalbarriers have been broken down, and the most cordialmeetings of Christians, of all shades of opinions, areproved possibilities under the C. E. flag the world o er.The laity in the church have come to realize that itis their duty to engage in active service for Christ just astruly as it is the duty of the clergy. The remarkablemissionary enthusiasm which has recently developed,in the church, is largely the results of the systematicstudy of missions in C. E. mission-study classes ; manyof the leaders in the laymen s movement imbibed theirfirst missionary zeal in the Christian Endeavor Society.The majority of the missionaries who have come to thefield in recent years surrendered themselves in Endeavormeetings.The first Christian Endeavor Society outside ofAmerica was organized in China, at Foochow, March29th, 1885. The movement has spread into all parts ofthe Empire. Over (400) four hundred societies havebeen organized by missionaries working under more thana score of Boards in practically every province. Themissionaries everywhere testify to the helpfulness of thesociety in training the native Christians to speak andwork for Christ. In many places the endeavorers aregoing out in "evangelistic bands" to preach anddistribute tracts, etc., on the city streets and in thevillages. The Society is appreciated by the missionariesbecause its members are in no way drawn away from thechurch, but on the contrary are pledged to its loyalsupport.In mission schools the C. E. Society has been avital force in deepening the spiritual lives of the students.

264 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.The Christian Endeavor Society.The Society of Christian Endeavor originated ina revival which, in the winter of 1880-1881, blessedthe Williston Church of Portland, Maine, U. S. A.On the evening of February 2, 1881, several scores ofyoung converts were gathered together in the pastor sstudy, and the first Young People s Society of ChristianKndeavor was formed, with essentially the present constitution, pledge and methods of work. The practicalresults of this first society went far beyond the expectations of its founder and of its early members. The youngpeople s prayer-meeting, which had been a dead-and-aliveaffair in that church, took on new vigor and continuousenergy. Instead of the two or three elderly youngpeople, who with their pastor had before sustained it,the forty or fifty active members who had signed thepledge took their part, and the activities of the youngpeople, when systematically arranged and definitelyorganized, became ten-fold greater than ever before. Themore they did, the more they found they were able todo. Some of the youngest and most timid members ofthe society soon led the meetings acceptably and helpfully,and the spiritual lives of the young people were deepenedas they formed habits of daily devotional Bible study.In a word, the Society had inaugurated a new eraof spiritual things in that church, and a quiet but realrevival spirit seemed to be perpetual, year in and yearout, among the young people. This experience hasbeen repeated in thousands of churches where C. E.Societies have been organized in all parts of the world.Dr. F. E. Clark, the founder of the Society, hasnamed the following as the four essential principles of7the Christian Endeavor Societ):1. Confession of Christ.2. Service for Christ.3. Loyalty to Christ s Church.4. Fellowship with Christ s People.

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