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CHAPTERXIIISUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR.THE CHINA CENTENARY CONFERENCE SUNDAYSCHOOL COMMITTEE.JttOR many years now, in certain districts of China,considerable efforts in the direction of &,\ Sundayschool work have been made. These, however,were not correlated and were largely dependent uponthe energy of a mission or a few individuals. NorthChina, with its long-established Sunday school workand the Sunday School Lessons Committee, and theregion of Foochow, with its Sunday School Association and its widespread work, are instances of districtswhere work has been systematically carried on for aconsiderable time. So in certain of the treaty portsSunday school work was not neglected. Among themissions, the Methodist churches may be spoken of asespecially active in the Sunday school movement.Some time before the meeting of the China CentenaryMissionary Conference, it had been felt that missionwork in China was missing a great opportunity in itsneglect of Sunday schools and that the times were ripefor a forward movement. The paper which was readbefore the conference by the Reverend William C.White,* of the Church Missionary Society, made a deepimpression on the minds of those present, showing as itdid how entirely inadequate had been the attempts madeto reach the children of this land and to provide fortheir education in the Christian life. As the result ofthis a representative committee was appointed to takeup the question of Sunday school work throughout thewhole of China, with a view to organizing a Sundayschool union for this Empire. The following is a list ofthe members of this committee :*Now Bishop of Iloiian.

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