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""260 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.in the faith and of leading- the unsaved to Christ byenlisting them in three distinct lines of activity First, to:read a chapter in God s Word daily ; second, to carry aBible or Testament wherever one goes and; third, to distribute God s Word. The leagueis now spreading withwonderful rapidity throughout the world, and it is meeting a most cordial reception wherever it has been presented in China.SUMMARY.To state it briefly, the Bible study movement has acommittee which has been at work since the CentenaryConference. By personal visitation, by correspondence,and by careful investigation, the field has been carefullyinvestigated, its needs, itsrequirements and its opportunities made known. The work has been coordinated,so that all organizations that have the promotion ofBible study as an aim are working in harmony. Thework has been organized until in some form or otherever} 7 province has been touched. In the three yearssince the Centenary Conference more than one hundredBible institutes or conferences have been held. Thesehave been both union and denominational. City Bibleclasses have been organized, and are now being held inmany centres. Bible study courses have been planned,and many thousands have been enlisted in the QuietHour," or Morning Watch." The Pocket TestamentLeague has been launched, and ismeeting with a greatreception. In the various summer resorts the cause ofBible study has been presented in the past, and this yearinstitutes under the direction of Dr. W. W. White(assisted by three colleagues) have been definitelyarranged for in five summer resorts. This, in brief, outlines what has been done, and what has been done in thepast will be but the basis of the work in the future. Ifthe church in China is to be strong and powerful, it mustbe a church that reads and studies the Word of God.A. E. CORY.

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