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258 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.Devotional and Evangelistic Meetings. In additionto these, devotional meetings were held every night forthe deepening of the spiritual life. Such institutes asthe one at Nanking were held particularly for Christianworkers. This brief outline isgiven in order to showthe nature of some of the work that was done.Bible Classes. Bible classes have been held for thechurch members and inquirers. These have been anywhere from four to eight days in length. In some placesthe attendance has been large. The purpose has beento give simple Bible teaching at a time when there couldbe a large attendance. The Bible class system is onethat has been worked most successfully in Korea. TheBible Study Committee has investigated the work donein Korea and believe it should be adopted in China, andplans are being made for immediate promotion throughout the empire.Bible Conferences. Bible conferences have been heldin many localities. They have, generally, been two orthree days in length and have been for inspirationalpurposes, in order that the church might be stimulatedto a greater zeal along Bible study lines.CITY BIBLE CLASSES.Following the institutes, or conferences, weekly,semi-monthly, or monthly Bible classes are being heldin large centres. These classes have been union in somecentres and denominational in others. Such classeshave been of the greatest influence in deepening thespiritual life of the workers and ill strengthening thespirit of fellowship and union.HOME STUDY COURSES.One of the greatest demands and the one mostdifficult to supply has been to outline a home study orcorrespondence course for workers not under regular

"THK BIBLE STUDY MOVEMENT. 259instruction that would spur them on to regular Biblestudy. A sub-committee of the Bible Study Committeeoutlined a temporary course, which has been used as abasis of a correspondence course in some missions. Thework has been tested far enough to show that suchcourses are of tremenduous value. A course isbeingsubmitted to the missionary body, based largely on theKorean system of Bible study. It will cover thehome study, correspondence, and supplementary readingcourse idea. The work will be carried forward throughvarious committees and local organizations.DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY.An aggressive campaign has been carried forwardthrough the Y. P. S. C. E., Y. M. C. A., and Missionorganizations to the enlisting of many thousands in theobservance of the Quiet Hour and the Morning Watch.This campaign has been most successful.THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE.Before there can be Bible study there must be areading of the Bible. A prominent bishop said to thewriter that he did not believe that fifty per cent, of hischurch members in China were Bible readers. Many ofthem did not own a Bible. This condition is not peculiarto any church or locality. The committee, upon realizing this condition, were most glad to welcome the PocketTestament League. It is a movement which has recentlybeen inaugurated for the study and distribution of God sWord. The movement was originated in Birmingham,England, a number of years ago by Mrs. Charles M.Alexander. It is a simple organization, with a simplepledge, which says: I hereby accept membership inthe Pocket Testament League by making it a rule ofmy life to read at least one chapter in the Bible each dayand to carry a Testament or Bible with me wherever Igo."It is an effective method of building up Christians

"THK BIBLE STUDY MOVEMENT. 259instruction that would spur them on to regular Biblestudy. A sub-committee of the Bible Study Committeeoutlined a temporary course, which has been used as abasis of a correspondence course in some missions. Thework has been tested far enough to show that suchcourses are of tremenduous value. A course isbeingsubmitted to the missionary body, based largely on theKorean system of Bible study. It will cover thehome study, correspondence, and supplementary readingcourse idea. The work will be carried forward throughvarious committees and local organizations.DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY.An aggressive campaign has been carried forwardthrough the Y. P. S. C. E., Y. M. C. A., and Missionorganizations to the enlisting of many thousands in theobservance of the Quiet Hour and the Morning Watch.This campaign has been most successful.THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE.Before there can be Bible study there must be areading of the Bible. A prominent bishop said to thewriter that he did not believe that fifty per cent, of hischurch members in China were Bible readers. Many ofthem did not own a Bible. This condition is not peculiarto any church or locality. The committee, upon realizing this condition, were most glad to welcome the PocketTestament League. It is a movement which has recentlybeen inaugurated for the study and distribution of God sWord. The movement was originated in Birmingham,England, a number of years ago by Mrs. Charles M.Alexander. It is a simple organization, with a simplepledge, which says: I hereby accept membership inthe Pocket Testament League by making it a rule ofmy life to read at least one chapter in the Bible each dayand to carry a Testament or Bible with me wherever Igo."It is an effective method of building up Christians

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