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CHAPTERXII.THE BIBLE STUDY MOVEMENT.S Relation to the General Movement. The BibleStudy movement in China is oue of the manymovements that has resulted from the revival inBible study in various parts of the world.The Bible Study Movement in China prior to theCentenary Conference. Prior to the Centenary Conference the movement was in no way a united one, butvarious organizations, missions and individual missionaries, were doing something to stimulate Bible studyamong their Christians and to promote it among theChinese Christian workers with whom they came incontact. As a result of the general world-wide Biblestudy movement and of the sporadic attempts in Chinaof various organizations and individuals along Biblestudy lines, one of the needs most frequently andemphatically expressed at the Centenary Conferencewas for definite plans to be formed for promoting andstimulating Bible study among Chinese Christian workers.The Organization at the Ce?itenary Conference,iqoj. The Centenary Conference therefore appointed aBible study committee, which was afterwards enlargeduntil now the personnel of the committee is as follows :D. Willard Lyon, Shanghai, Chairman.A. E. Cory, Nanking, Secretary.A. J. Bowen, Nanking, Treasurer.\V. N. Bitton, Shanghai.J. C. Garritt, Nanking.A. P. Parker, Shanghai.A. Sydenstricker, Chinkiang.W. H. Warren, Shaoshing.

THE BIBLE STUDY MOVEMENT. 255F. J. White, Shanghai.E. \V. Burt, Weihsien.W. H. Gillespie, Kwanchengtzu.L. Lloyd, Foochow.T. W. Pearce, Hongkong.D. Z. Sheffield, North Tungchow.G. G. Warren, Changsha.F. Zahn, Fukwing.It is now felt that there must be a still furtherenlargement, and that in the enlargement, which willtake place immediately, Chinese members must be addedto a sufficient number to identify the movement intimately with the Chinese church.The Work of Investigation. One of the first thingsthat the Bible Study Committee did was to carefullyinvestigate the question as to whether there was a needyfield for the promotion of Bible study in China. Fromnearly every mission in China, and from every province,came the emphatic reply that there was a great lack of,and an imperative demand for, the promotion of Biblestudy. Suffice it to say that nowhere was there anegative reply. The only criticism that was passed onthe committee was, that the work, as planned, was totoo limited a number. It was first planned that thecommittee was to promote Bible study among pastors,evangelists, helpers, colporteurs, bible-women, and otherworkers of the church as they were variously designatedby the different missions. Missionaries in all parts ofChina felt that the work should cover the whole church,so the scope has been gradually broadened until to-daythe plans include Bible study promotion for the entirechurch.The Work of Coordination. One of the most important tasks of the committee has been to coordinatethroughout China the Bible study movements. It wasfound that several organizations were working along thesame general line. Careful plans have been made sothat there is no competition among any of the organiza-

CHAPTERXII.THE BIBLE STUDY MOVEMENT.S Relation to the General Movement. The BibleStudy movement in China is oue of the manymovements that has resulted from the revival inBible study in various parts of the world.The Bible Study Movement in China prior to theCentenary Conference. Prior to the Centenary Conference the movement was in no way a united one, butvarious organizations, missions and individual missionaries, were doing something to stimulate Bible studyamong their Christians and to promote it among theChinese Christian workers with whom they came incontact. As a result of the general world-wide Biblestudy movement and of the sporadic attempts in Chinaof various organizations and individuals along Biblestudy lines, one of the needs most frequently andemphatically expressed at the Centenary Conferencewas for definite plans to be formed for promoting andstimulating Bible study among Chinese Christian workers.The Organization at the Ce?itenary Conference,iqoj. The Centenary Conference therefore appointed aBible study committee, which was afterwards enlargeduntil now the personnel of the committee is as follows :D. Willard Lyon, Shanghai, Chairman.A. E. Cory, Nanking, Secretary.A. J. Bowen, Nanking, Treasurer.\V. N. Bitton, Shanghai.J. C. Garritt, Nanking.A. P. Parker, Shanghai.A. Sydenstricker, Chinkiang.W. H. Warren, Shaoshing.

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