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"252 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The theological colleges will, sooner or later, presumably be placed under the control of the Chinesechurch. At present they are maintained by foreignfunds, and are almost entirely under foreign management. The Methodist Episcopal Mission reports thatthere are Chinese on the Theological College Committee,but in the other cases, while the Chinese are consultedunofficially on matters where their advice is deemedimportant, they have no share in the management ofthe college. In some cases the admission of studentsdepends upon the recommendation of a committee onwhich Chinese have a seat. In reply to a questionwhether there is a tendency on the part of the Chinesechurch to demand a larger share of control in the affairsof the theological college, the majority of the repliesare in the negative. In two cases a move in this direction isregarded as probable, and in one case, that ofthe Amoy college, the question of management andcontrol was brought up for discussion at the ChineseSynod of the Presbyterian Church there, and a committee was appointed to investigate and to report on thewhole subject. The question of raising funds for thesupport of the students is also being discussed by thenative church in the Anioy field, and the discussion ofthis question may lead to far-reaching changes.The L,. M. S. report for 1909 says: For the pastfew years an attempt has been made to start a uniontheological school, and during 1908 the Chinese cameforward with a plan of their own. They had ascertainedthat Mr. Yeung Seung-pa would be available for thenext year, and they decided to start a class for thetraining of preachers, and invite Mr. Yeung to takecharge of it, The missionaries were asked to assist inthe teaching, and the control was to be in the hands ofthe Chinese church.A three years course is proposed, with a preparatoryyear in addition, if necessary. Mr. Yeung will havecharge of the students, and will also teach some biblical

THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 253as well as some general subjects. Mr. Clayson willteach theology and church history, and three membersof the church have volunteered to give help in teachingsome of the subjects in the arts course, viz., Mr. HoChup-mun, Mr. Lum Paak-woh, and Mr. Mak Siu-ki."This brief account of the present status of theological education in the southern coast provinces of Chinagives cause for encouragement and good hope. Thetheological colleges of the various missions are wellorganised,and are attracting students who have had agood preliminary training, and are likely to do goodservice as preachers. But the missions are not contentwith the standards already attained, and are in manycases planning to strengthen the curriculum of thepreparatory schools and of the theological collegesthemselves. The present is a transition stage when wemust press forward with all our strength towards theestablishment of theological colleges that shall be fullyworthy of the great church that is rising up in China.H. W. OLDHAM.NOTE: A special chapter on "BibleTrainingSchools" was being prepared by Rev. W. J. Doherty,but that gentleman s illness prevented its completion.The subject will, however, be dealt with in next issueof the Year Book. ED.

THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 253as well as some general subjects. Mr. Clayson willteach theology and church history, and three membersof the church have volunteered to give help in teachingsome of the subjects in the arts course, viz., Mr. HoChup-mun, Mr. Lum Paak-woh, and Mr. Mak Siu-ki."This brief account of the present status of theological education in the southern coast provinces of Chinagives cause for encouragement and good hope. Thetheological colleges of the various missions are wellorganised,and are attracting students who have had agood preliminary training, and are likely to do goodservice as preachers. But the missions are not contentwith the standards already attained, and are in manycases planning to strengthen the curriculum of thepreparatory schools and of the theological collegesthemselves. The present is a transition stage when wemust press forward with all our strength towards theestablishment of theological colleges that shall be fullyworthy of the great church that is rising up in China.H. W. OLDHAM.NOTE: A special chapter on "BibleTrainingSchools" was being prepared by Rev. W. J. Doherty,but that gentleman s illness prevented its completion.The subject will, however, be dealt with in next issueof the Year Book. ED.

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