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248 CHINA MISSION YEAH BOOK.to starting schools of their own. The existing theological colleges in the Canton province are eleven innumber. These are : in Canton city the colleges of theAmerican Presbyterian Mission, the American SouthernBaptist Mission, the Wesleyan Missionary Society, theBerlin Mission, and the Church Missionary Society and;in other places the of collegesthe American ReformedPresbyterian Mission in Takhing (west of Canton), ofthe Rhenish Missionary Society in Hongkong, of theBasel Missionary Society at Lilong (North of Hongkong), of the American Baptist Missionary Society inSwatow, and of the English Presbyterian Mission inSwatow and Wukingfu (Hakka Mission).THE STUDENTS.The theological college of a mission is usuallythe highest of a series of schools and colleges, risingfrom lower to higher grades, and it is satisfactory tolearn from the reports that the large majority of theological students have actually passed through the preparatory schools of the mission to which they belong, that isto say, have had as complete a preliminary training asthe mission has so far made provision to give them. Itis a point of first importance that the standard of thispreparatory education be raised as high as possible.At the same time there will be room in the Chinesechurch for a long time to come for men of earnest pietyand evangelistic gifts, who, though deficient in generaleducation, are yet desirous of becoming preachers. Allthe theological colleges above mentioned, with theexception apparently of the American Board College inFoochow, receive such men as students, modifying thecurriculum in some respects to meet their special case.To a question whether the number of theologicalstudents is increasing, the answer given is, in most cases,in the negative. Only four missions give an unqualifiedYes in reply. The Centenary Conference recommend-

THKOLOGICAI, EDUCATION. 249ed that the subject of the Chinese ministry should bebrought prominently before the churches, but in no caseis this being done in any systematic way the matter;being left to the zeal of individuals, assisted perhaps byan occasional appeal at some assembly of the church.THE CURRICULUM.With regard to the curriculum, there are somesubjects which naturally find a place in the curriculumof every theological school. These are biblical introduction and exegesis, biblical theology and church history, together with homiletics and pastoral theology.Bible history is also taught,if it has not been studiedin the preparatory schools. In several of the collegessome attempt is made to teach apologetics, ethics, andcomparative religion. Students are, in all cases, allowedtime for the study of Chinese literature and for Chinesecomposition that they may not lose influence and respectamong their fellow-countrymen through lack of Chinesescholarship. Canton and Fukien being non-mandarinspeakingprovinces, Mandarin also finds a place in someof the curricula. Other non-theological subjects, suchas arithmetic, geography, physical science, astronomyand pedagogy are also, in some cases, taught accordingas the students are deficient in general knowledge andscholarship, but the study of these subjects must encroachseriously upon the time which the students have fortheological reading. In none of the reports received isthere any reference to training in Sunday school methodsas having any prescribed place in the curriculum. Theteaching in the above mentioned colleges is given inChinese, but in two colleges Englishis also taught, andin one case, that of the Berlin Mission, German istaught. The length of the course is either three yearsor four years. In only two cases is it two years. Sometimes the students are sent out in the middle of thecourse to gain a year s experience in teaching.

248 CHINA MISSION YEAH BOOK.to starting schools of their own. The existing theological colleges in the Canton province are eleven innumber. These are : in Canton city the colleges of theAmerican Presbyterian Mission, the American SouthernBaptist Mission, the Wesleyan Missionary Society, theBerlin Mission, and the Church Missionary Society and;in other places the of collegesthe American ReformedPresbyterian Mission in Takhing (west of Canton), ofthe Rhenish Missionary Society in Hongkong, of theBasel Missionary Society at Lilong (North of Hongkong), of the American Baptist Missionary Society inSwatow, and of the English Presbyterian Mission inSwatow and Wukingfu (Hakka Mission).THE STUDENTS.The theological college of a mission is usuallythe highest of a series of schools and colleges, risingfrom lower to higher grades, and it is satisfactory tolearn from the reports that the large majority of theological students have actually passed through the preparatory schools of the mission to which they belong, that isto say, have had as complete a preliminary training asthe mission has so far made provision to give them. Itis a point of first importance that the standard of thispreparatory education be raised as high as possible.At the same time there will be room in the Chinesechurch for a long time to come for men of earnest pietyand evangelistic gifts, who, though deficient in generaleducation, are yet desirous of becoming preachers. Allthe theological colleges above mentioned, with theexception apparently of the American Board College inFoochow, receive such men as students, modifying thecurriculum in some respects to meet their special case.To a question whether the number of theologicalstudents is increasing, the answer given is, in most cases,in the negative. Only four missions give an unqualifiedYes in reply. The Centenary Conference recommend-

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