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246r Lay Training Schools, J9JO.J. C. GAKKITT.

THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 247Theological Education inCanton and Fukien Provinces.The following account of the present state of theological education in the provinces of Canton and Fnkienis*based on replies from the various missions to questionswhich were sent to them. By comparing what is herestated with the Resolutions on the Chinese Ministrywhich were passed at the Shanghai Centenary Conference of 1907, it will be seen that the progress oftheological education is in the main in accord with thepolicy laid down at that time.EXISTING INSTITUTIONS.The importance of theological education is recognised. In Fukien provinceall the missions give prominence to this branch of the work. The AmericanMethodist Episcopal Mission has theological schools inFoochow and in Shaowu, the American Board Missionhas schools in Foochow and Hinghwa, and the ChurchMissionary Society has a college in Foochow withtheological classes at Hinghwa and Kienning. Asregards South Fukien the three missions which are atwork there, namely the American Reformed Mission, theLondon Mission, and the English Presbyterian Mission,have combined to establish a union theological collegein Amoy. The London Mission have also made a beginning of theological education in the city of Tingchiu.In the province of Canton five out of sixteen missions have no theological college of their own. Thesemissions are : the American Board Mission, the LondonMission, the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Mission, the American Scandinavian Mission, and the UnitedBrethren Mission. The American Board Mission, however, report that they hope to have a good trainingschool in the near future, the London Mission organisespreachers training classes, and the remaining missions,which are as yet small in size, look forward rather touniting with other missions in theological training than

246r Lay Training Schools, J9JO.J. C. GAKKITT.

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