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THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 239place within the last five or six years. Yet larger thingsare planning in man} directions, the establishment ofother institutions, the attainment of larger and moreperfect unions, and the more thorough equipment andendowment of all. The development of a strong spiritof consecration to the Christian ministry during the pastyear and the prospective orgatiization of a "StudentVolunteer Movement" for this purpose, will renderimperative such expansion.Arthington Training Institute, Tsangchow, for thetraining of evangelists, school teachers and non-collegemen, especially for the rural missions of the LondonMissionary Society in North China. A start was madein 1905, and in 1907 the institute was adopted by theArthington trustees, who gave money for buildings andalso give an annual grant enough to help twenty men.The present number is twenty-five.The full course is four years, including two yearschiefly arts and the latter two years in theologicalstudies. The first batch of men (six in number) graduated at the end of 1909. The students get plenty ofpractice in preaching in city and country on Sundaysand at special fairs. The rural missions need this classof man as local leaders and teachers. Some of the finestworkers come from the ranks men who have someChinese scholarship, but no collegiate education. Thetraining of the evangelists includes training in the conduct of all kinds of meetings, including business meetingsand native church councils. They are well doctrinatedwith sound ideas on self-support. Q jj FENNTheological Education in Central China,GENERAL OBSERVATIONS.Public speaking, as a means of influencing themasses, has but yesterday begun to come into reputeamong the Chinese. The Christian propaganda haslong been scorned by the literati because of our will-

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