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236 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.by the American Board, American Presbyterian, andLondon Missions. (3). The Peking University Schoolof Theology at Peking, under the American MethodistEpiscopal Mission. (4). The United Methodist Theological College at Tientsin. (5). The Theological Collegeof the Scotch and Irish Presbyterian Missions atMotikclen, Manchuria; and (6). The ScandinavianAlliance Mission Seminary at Hsianfu, Shensi.The Catch- Robinson {Union) Theological College,Tsingchowfu, organized in 1905 as a combination of theprevious peripatetic classes of the Presbyterian Missionand the Theological Department of the Gotch-RobinsonBible Institute of the English Baptist Mission. Itprovides for a three years course of eight months each.The instruction isgiven entirely in Chinese. Twentytwostudents have been graduated, two of whom areengaged in the Arts Department of the University, andall the rest are in pastoral or evangelistic work. Presentnumber of regular students, twenty-one. The facultyconsists of Rev. J. P. Bruce, M.A.,president, Rev. \V, M.Hayes, D.D., with the recent addition of Rev. W. P.Cbalfant. In the Bible Institute connected with thecollege there are over 160 students.North China Union Theological College, Peking,organized in 1895 by the transfer of the Gordon MemorialTheological Seminary of the American Board Missionfrom Tungchow to Peking the plant and equipment to;be furnished by the American Presbyterian Mission as itscontribution to the North China union colleges. Theseminary had already been in existence for 30 years.The new institution gives all its theological instructionin Chinese, but provides a course in biblical English forthose who have previously made a beginning in thelanguage. In the regular course ten have beengraduated, in the special course (for those withoutprevious arts course) twelve men ;all but two of thesegraduates are preaching, and one of the two is teachingin a mission school. The present number of students

THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION .237is thirty-three. The faculty consists of Rev. C. H.Fenn, D.D., dean, Rev. C. Goodrich, D.D., Rev. S. E.Meech, and Rev. J. W. Wherry, D.D.Peking University School oj Fheology, Peking.Classes are organized according to the demand. Thereare at present fifteen men taking the course under theinstruction of various men of the University Faculty.For those who cannot take the full course there isa four years course for all preachers who enter theconference ;the candidates being examined each year onthe subjects for the year. This includes the elements ofscience, as well as the usual theological subjects and acourse of general reading.United Methodist Theological College, Tientsin.Founded in 1868, but no adequate buildings until 1878.A three years course and usually three classes underinstruction. In some cases the course is extended tofive years. The present number of students is seventeen,chiefly from the middle schools of the Mission. Rev.John Hedley is the principal.Presbyterian Theological College,Manchuria. Thisschool provides a four years course of five months peryear, under the instruction of Rev. John Ross, D.D., andRev. Thos. C. Fulton. The students are selected fromamong the best of the evangelists, who in youth have secured a good Chinese education, and as evangelists have,for at least four years, reached a certain standard in theannual examinations. The course will also be adaptedto those now graduating from the Mission s recentlyestablished higher educational institutions. The numberof students last year was eighteen, this year twenty-nine.Scandinavian Alliance Mission Seminary, Hsianfu.Organized 1906. The course covers three years, abouthalf of which time is given to definitely theologicaltraining. Both evangelists and school teachers areeducated in the institution. The present number ofstudents is thirty-one. The faculty consists of Rev. O.

THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION .237is thirty-three. The faculty consists of Rev. C. H.Fenn, D.D., dean, Rev. C. Goodrich, D.D., Rev. S. E.Meech, and Rev. J. W. Wherry, D.D.Peking University School oj Fheology, Peking.Classes are organized according to the demand. Thereare at present fifteen men taking the course under theinstruction of various men of the University Faculty.For those who cannot take the full course there isa four years course for all preachers who enter theconference ;the candidates being examined each year onthe subjects for the year. This includes the elements ofscience, as well as the usual theological subjects and acourse of general reading.United Methodist Theological College, Tientsin.Founded in 1868, but no adequate buildings until 1878.A three years course and usually three classes underinstruction. In some cases the course is extended tofive years. The present number of students is seventeen,chiefly from the middle schools of the Mission. Rev.John Hedley is the principal.Presbyterian Theological College,Manchuria. Thisschool provides a four years course of five months peryear, under the instruction of Rev. John Ross, D.D., andRev. Thos. C. Fulton. The students are selected fromamong the best of the evangelists, who in youth have secured a good Chinese education, and as evangelists have,for at least four years, reached a certain standard in theannual examinations. The course will also be adaptedto those now graduating from the Mission s recentlyestablished higher educational institutions. The numberof students last year was eighteen, this year twenty-nine.Scandinavian Alliance Mission Seminary, Hsianfu.Organized 1906. The course covers three years, abouthalf of which time is given to definitely theologicaltraining. Both evangelists and school teachers areeducated in the institution. The present number ofstudents is thirty-one. The faculty consists of Rev. O.

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