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232 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The teachers consist of five foreigners and elevenChinese.In connection with the David Gregg Hospital forWomen, nurses are being trained. Eleven are nowstudying. Four have graduated. All are in the constant demand and give satisfaction to both foreignersand Chinese. All are Christians.MARY H. FULTON, M.D.Medical Research Work.In former years definite systematic research in medicine was undertaken practically by none among missionary physicians, and this in the main for two reasonsthe first that men as a rule were put singlehanded incharge of work too heavy for one to handle alone, andbeyond rapid routine work, often necessarily slip-shodand unsatisfactory, nothing could be attempted the;second reason was that laboratories properly equippedfor such work were very few. A number of individuals,however, working more or less alone, have in the pastdone some excellent work.At the triennial conference of the China MedicalMissionary Association, held in 1907, the first movetoward a systematic work of medical research was madeby the formation of a research committee, consistingof seven or eight members, wrhose locations were scattered over the Empire, from Korea to Hongkong, andas far inland as Hunan. It was decided that the onlywork undertaken by the committee for the triennium1907-1910 should consist of an intensive study ofintestinal parasites. The working out of the geographical distribution and an approximate idea of the proportion of population affected by the various injurioushelminths was felt to be exceedingly important, not onlyfor purposes of more accurate diagnosis and helpful treatment, but as well from an economic standpoint, and it was

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 233felt, moreover, that careful examination of large seriesof cases might bring new species to light, or show sometangible causative factor for conditions previously obscure. The work of the succeeding three years showedhow well founded this view was.This committee and other members of the MedicalAssociation have published annual reports in the ChinaMedical Journal, carefully collated by the chairman.The final report and summary, recently published, showsreports, more or less complete, from twelve provinces,not including Korea, Manchuria, Formosa, Hongkong,and Siam. The principal facts brought out were :(a). The almost universal distribution in China of Ankylostomutn(hookworm), the great number of cases of remediableanemia and disability due to infections with this parasite, andthe presence in China of both the old world (Ankylostomunxduodenale) and the new world (Necator americ.) species,(b). The wide distribution in the Yangtse Valley and itstributary waters of Schistosomum japonicum (blood-fluke) audthe extensive and fatal ravages due to it.The description of at least one new species.(c).In considering the final report of the chairman ofthis Research Committee at the triennial meeting of theC. M. M. A., held in Hankow during February, 1910, itwas agreed that the results of their work, though limitedin many ways, were satisfactory and the continuanceand expansion of the work highly necessary. In providing for the research of the next three years it wasfelt wisest to make the various branches of the Associtiouresponsible for the actual work, permitting thusa great increase in the numbers of investigators, and thecovering of special problems by men specially fitted forsuch work. The general supervision of these activities is placed in the capable hands of Dr. J. L. Maxwell, of Tainan, Formosa, the former chairman of theResearch Committee. He will be responsible also forthe collecting and publishing in systematic form ofall reports made. The general scope of research is toinclude :

232 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The teachers consist of five foreigners and elevenChinese.In connection with the David Gregg Hospital forWomen, nurses are being trained. Eleven are nowstudying. Four have graduated. All are in the constant demand and give satisfaction to both foreignersand Chinese. All are Christians.MARY H. FULTON, M.D.Medical Research Work.In former years definite systematic research in medicine was undertaken practically by none among missionary physicians, and this in the main for two reasonsthe first that men as a rule were put singlehanded incharge of work too heavy for one to handle alone, andbeyond rapid routine work, often necessarily slip-shodand unsatisfactory, nothing could be attempted the;second reason was that laboratories properly equippedfor such work were very few. A number of individuals,however, working more or less alone, have in the pastdone some excellent work.At the triennial conference of the China MedicalMissionary Association, held in 1907, the first movetoward a systematic work of medical research was madeby the formation of a research committee, consistingof seven or eight members, wrhose locations were scattered over the Empire, from Korea to Hongkong, andas far inland as Hunan. It was decided that the onlywork undertaken by the committee for the triennium1907-1910 should consist of an intensive study ofintestinal parasites. The working out of the geographical distribution and an approximate idea of the proportion of population affected by the various injurioushelminths was felt to be exceedingly important, not onlyfor purposes of more accurate diagnosis and helpful treatment, but as well from an economic standpoint, and it was

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