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228 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.about three miles east of the city, near the Christiancollege, would make an excellent site for the schoolbuildings and dormitories for the first three years classes.About one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollarswill be needed for the erection of these buildings andtheir equipment. When the buildings and equipmentare established, the institution will be self-supporting,that is, it will be able to support all its running expensesand native teachers and, 110 doubt, part of the foreignteachers.P. J. Tom>.Medical Education for Women,THE NORTH CHINA UNION MEDICAL COLLEGEFOR WOMEN.The North China Union Medical College for Womenis located with the American Methodist Mission,.Peking. The college was opened in February, 1908,and enters classes but once in two years, The teachingstaff, consisting of eight foreign doctors, is drawn fromthe American Methodist, the American Board, and theAmerican Presbyterian Missions.The subjects for preliminary examinations are :English Harper s First and Second Readers or equivalent.Chinese Outlines of Chinese History..Good PenmanshipCompositions in Kuan Hua and WeUi-luMathematics Mateer s Arithmetic or equivalent.Algebra, through single quadratics.History Sheffield s Universal History.Geography Chapin s.Physics Parker s.Physiology Porter s or equivalent in new terminology.The course of study covers six years of eight monthseach, and a high grade of work is required of the students. The tuition fee is forty taels a year. Dormitoryaccommodations are furnished at the school, and boardcosts not less than four dollars Mexican per month.

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 229At present our students represent Canton, Foochow,Nanking, and Peking. Students who must first acquirea working knowledge of Northern Mandarin can beaccommodated in the Girls High School, located withthe W. F. M. S. of the Methodist Mission, or in theBridgman Preparatory School, located with the AmericanBoard Mission, Peking. Preparatory work may also betaken in these schools if desirable.The two girls of the first medical class have madesplendid records. The questions from the New YorkState examinations in anatomy were given, and bothpassed over ninety-five per cent, on a written examination. They passed equally well in physiology. Thesegirls are Methodists and are earnest Christians. Thenext class will include two girls from our Foochowschool, another from Nanking, and two daughters ofan official in Tientsin. The Nurses School has becomean essential part of our work, and demands Miss Powell sbest efforts. As yet there are no graduate nurses, butin time valuable assistance is expected from this source.ELIZA E. LEONARD, M.D., Dean.THE HACKETT MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, CANTON.Just after Chinese New Year, 1901, the medicalschool for women, called the Kwong Tung, was opened inthe first floor of the Theodore Cuyler (First Presbyterian) Church, Canton. Nine students were admitted.The following year the David Gregg Hospital forWomen and Children was opened, and the young womenstudents were temporarily removed to the third floor ofthisbuilding.In 1902, December, the first building, for distinctivecollege use, was finished. It contained recitation andreception rooms on the second floor, bed rooms on thethird. To this the students gladly removed.This large three-story building was the gift of Mr.E. A. K. Hackett, of Indiana, United States of America.

228 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.about three miles east of the city, near the Christiancollege, would make an excellent site for the schoolbuildings and dormitories for the first three years classes.About one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollarswill be needed for the erection of these buildings andtheir equipment. When the buildings and equipmentare established, the institution will be self-supporting,that is, it will be able to support all its running expensesand native teachers and, 110 doubt, part of the foreignteachers.P. J. Tom>.Medical Education for Women,THE NORTH CHINA UNION MEDICAL COLLEGEFOR WOMEN.The North China Union Medical College for Womenis located with the American Methodist Mission,.Peking. The college was opened in February, 1908,and enters classes but once in two years, The teachingstaff, consisting of eight foreign doctors, is drawn fromthe American Methodist, the American Board, and theAmerican Presbyterian Missions.The subjects for preliminary examinations are :English Harper s First and Second Readers or equivalent.Chinese Outlines of Chinese History..Good PenmanshipCompositions in Kuan Hua and WeUi-luMathematics Mateer s Arithmetic or equivalent.Algebra, through single quadratics.History Sheffield s Universal History.Geography Chapin s.Physics Parker s.Physiology Porter s or equivalent in new terminology.The course of study covers six years of eight monthseach, and a high grade of work is required of the students. The tuition fee is forty taels a year. Dormitoryaccommodations are furnished at the school, and boardcosts not less than four dollars Mexican per month.

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