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226 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.body, still lives in the lives of those graduated by him,who are, almost without exception, strong influentialChristian men ; many of them elders in the churchesthroughout South China.The work which Dr. Kerr did and the work whichhis graduates are doing has created a great demandfor Western medical education, and it is greatly to bedeplored that the missionary body was not ready to meetthis demand.At present there are seven medical schools for menin Canton, with no less than 250 students, who aretaking a four years course. Of the seven schools four(190 students) are controlled by the Chinese one; bythe French, which does not claim to be missionary inobject one; by the University Medical School, and oneby the Canton Medical Missionary Society. The lattersociety is composed of foreigners, who contribute tendollars or more a }^ear to its institution. This leavesonly one the University Medical School which has amajorit} r missionary control. Two of the schools controlled by the Chinese and the Canton Medical Missionary Society s school have mostly Christian teachers,and more or less Christian work is done among thestudents, but the results are very unsatisfactory, eitherfrom a professional or missionary standpoint.The South China Branch of the China MedicalMissionary Association, at a meeting in July, 1909,passed the following resolution : Whereas the conditionsin South China demand a higher standard of medicaleducation than isbeing given in any of the severalmen s medical schools now in existance, therefore we,the members of the Canton and West River Branches(now the South China Branch) of the China MedicalMissionary Association in joint meeting assembled,resolve that a union medical college be formed in Canton.The resolution goes on to say on what basis the unionshould be formed. The idea is to bring about a unionof the University Medical School, the Canton Medical

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 227Missionary Society s School, and the different MissionBoards having physicians in Canton and vicinity. TheSouth China Branch, almost to a member, are strong inthe opinion:ist. That medical educational work is the most importantof the medical missionary s work at this time.2nd. That the strongest and best Christian influence shouldbe brought to bear upon the students, and that the mostthorough Christian work possible be done among them duringtheir course.3rd. That the best way to do this thorough Christian medical educational work is by a union of forces.The South China Branch of the China Medical Missionary Association has been laboring hard, through itsindividual members, for this union, and last Januarythe Canton Medical Missionary Society at their annualmeeting passed a resolution favoring union with theUniversity Medical School and with the different mission Boards. The University Medical School is stronglyin favor of union, so all that remains is the perfecting ofthe union scheme, which we hope will be accomplishedin the near future. There are over thirty medical missionaries in Canton and vicinity, and it isthought thatat least ten of these will be available as teachers.The Canton Medical Missionary Society has a schoolbuilding and dormitories valued at about fifty thousanddollars. The University Medical School has propertyand funds of about that amount. This, together with themen who are on the field, would make a good foundationfor a union medical school. It ishoped that one ortwo of the schools controlled by the Chinese can bebrought into the union, but at this time there is a strongfeeling of "China for the Chinese," and we may haveto wait until the union school is well established beforethey will come in.The Canton Medical Missionary Society s Schoolbuilding and hospital would be well adapted for thefourth and fifth year classes. The property which theUniversity School has purchased, and which is situated

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 227Missionary Society s School, and the different MissionBoards having physicians in Canton and vicinity. TheSouth China Branch, almost to a member, are strong inthe opinion:ist. That medical educational work is the most importantof the medical missionary s work at this time.2nd. That the strongest and best Christian influence shouldbe brought to bear upon the students, and that the mostthorough Christian work possible be done among them duringtheir course.3rd. That the best way to do this thorough Christian medical educational work is by a union of forces.The South China Branch of the China Medical Missionary Association has been laboring hard, through itsindividual members, for this union, and last Januarythe Canton Medical Missionary Society at their annualmeeting passed a resolution favoring union with theUniversity Medical School and with the different mission Boards. The University Medical School is stronglyin favor of union, so all that remains is the perfecting ofthe union scheme, which we hope will be accomplishedin the near future. There are over thirty medical missionaries in Canton and vicinity, and it isthought thatat least ten of these will be available as teachers.The Canton Medical Missionary Society has a schoolbuilding and dormitories valued at about fifty thousanddollars. The University Medical School has propertyand funds of about that amount. This, together with themen who are on the field, would make a good foundationfor a union medical school. It ishoped that one ortwo of the schools controlled by the Chinese can bebrought into the union, but at this time there is a strongfeeling of "China for the Chinese," and we may haveto wait until the union school is well established beforethey will come in.The Canton Medical Missionary Society s Schoolbuilding and hospital would be well adapted for thefourth and fifth year classes. The property which theUniversity School has purchased, and which is situated

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