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222 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.a great loss in the death of Dr. Paiiltm, its founder,but the nucleus of a strong faculty remains, and considerable support, both locally and from Germany, isassured.The following mission schools are teaching medicine :Teaching inHan^chow, Chekiang. C. M. S. Mandarin.Shanghai, Kiangsu. St. John s University. English.Soochow, Kiangsu. M.E., South. ,, and vernacular.Nanking, Kiangsu. A. P. M., South, M. E- M.,Christian and FriendsMissions.Mandarin.Hankow, Hupeh. Union. ,,Wuchang, Hupeh. Boone University.English.Changsha, Hunan. Yale Mission. Mandarin.Cheutu, Szechuan. Union. Mandarin.The one word of all these schools is Union.There is a widespread feeling that the day is passedwhen it is the part of wisdom to educate Chinesephysicians with the sole aim of their employment inmission hospitals. This enterprise had its day of usefulness, but it does not meet the present demand, and itinvolves tremendous risks, where these insufficientlyeducated men break loose from mission hospital ties andsupervision and start out for themselves, all too oftenon the highroad of malpractice and quackery. Moreover, even as hospital assistants they are found lackingin the better teaching and discipline of the up-to-datemission hospital. It is realized that in union of forceswhere various hospitals and their staffs are within afeasible teaching radius, there lie the possibilities ofgiving Chinese men a variety and thoroughness oftraining that in certain cases may approach the ultimatedesirable. By this method Chinese physicians of considerable ability and reliability may be educated to meetthe pressing demand for foreign-trained physicians in thenavy, army, and in civil life, as well as afford hospitalinternes of real ability.The school in Hangchow is entirely at present underthe English Church Mission. The faculty consists of

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 223three foreign physicians and a number of natives.Between thirty and forty students are usually in trainingat any one time. There is a perfect willingness here forcooperation, but no other schools are near enough tomake the thing feasible.St. John s University, Shanghai, gives a five yearscourse in medicine, requiring entrance examinations toits junior college year for matriculation. The first twoyears are devoted to the preliminary branches ;studentsresiding in the university. The last three years arespent in its Hongkew medical school, which is anintegral part of St. Luke s Hospital. The university ischartered by the District of Columbia and gives an M.D.for high-standing five years of professional work. Allthe teaching is in English. This fact limits the numberof students very positively, but affords a much widerrange of text-books and literature and better teaching.There are eight foreign teachers in the medical faculty.Soochow University is incorporated under the lawsof the State of Tennessee, and also gives an M.D. degree.The teaching is in the vernacular and in English.Students must hold a certificate from the academicdepartment of the university, or pass entrance examinations to the college. The faculty is not large, but getsconsiderable assistance from the college in its elementarybranches. A small school of pharmacy is allied to it.At Soochow the American Presbyterian Church,South, has a school with a larger than the averagenumber of students, but there is no regular curriculum,as the teaching, being in the hands of only two men,is variable in time and quantity. There is a good prospect of this school becoming amalgamated with theNanking University School.The schools in Nanking are at present all on a verysmall scale. All teach in Mandarin, and have no organicunion, but there is a very promising prospect of theformation in the near future of a union medical school forthe Central Yangtze Valley to embrace the three or four

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 223three foreign physicians and a number of natives.Between thirty and forty students are usually in trainingat any one time. There is a perfect willingness here forcooperation, but no other schools are near enough tomake the thing feasible.St. John s University, Shanghai, gives a five yearscourse in medicine, requiring entrance examinations toits junior college year for matriculation. The first twoyears are devoted to the preliminary branches ;studentsresiding in the university. The last three years arespent in its Hongkew medical school, which is anintegral part of St. Luke s Hospital. The university ischartered by the District of Columbia and gives an M.D.for high-standing five years of professional work. Allthe teaching is in English. This fact limits the numberof students very positively, but affords a much widerrange of text-books and literature and better teaching.There are eight foreign teachers in the medical faculty.Soochow University is incorporated under the lawsof the State of Tennessee, and also gives an M.D. degree.The teaching is in the vernacular and in English.Students must hold a certificate from the academicdepartment of the university, or pass entrance examinations to the college. The faculty is not large, but getsconsiderable assistance from the college in its elementarybranches. A small school of pharmacy is allied to it.At Soochow the American Presbyterian Church,South, has a school with a larger than the averagenumber of students, but there is no regular curriculum,as the teaching, being in the hands of only two men,is variable in time and quantity. There is a good prospect of this school becoming amalgamated with theNanking University School.The schools in Nanking are at present all on a verysmall scale. All teach in Mandarin, and have no organicunion, but there is a very promising prospect of theformation in the near future of a union medical school forthe Central Yangtze Valley to embrace the three or four

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