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;We220 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.Paul D. Bergen, M.A., D.D.Harold G. Whitcher, B.Sc.H. S. Couseus, B.A.The teaching staff of the Medical College, so far asat present constituted, consists of the following foreignmembers, who will be assisted by competent Chinese :James Boyd Neal, M.A., M.D., President.K. 1 Yeiherr von Werthern, Dr. Med. et Chir.Charles F. Johnson, ]M.D.James Russell Watson, M.B., M.R.C.vS., D.P.H., Tsingchowfu,Shantung.Thomas C. Paterson, M.B., C/M., Tsouping, Shantung.The first three of the above named will teachregularly in the institution, while the last two will givesuch courses of instruction as their other duties willpermit.Besides the teaching force already arranged for, it isconfidently expected that other qualified medical men,belonging to neighboring stations, will consent to giveshort courses of instruction to the students.Regular teaching began on nth March, 1910, with10 men in the first class and 10 in the old class, underinstruction for three years past.are endeavoring to make laboratory work arather marked feature of our training here the ; equipment for four laboratories "beingnow on the ground,though owing to the exigencies of ouilding, only one thehistological laboratory is at present in commission.The other three are those of pharmaceutical chemistryand pharmacy, physiological chemistry, and clinicalpathology, all of which will be well equipped and inrunning order by autumn."An endeavour isbeing made to establish a college inMoukden in connection with the Presbyterian Missionthere.

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 221A MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR MANCHURIA."At the annual united conference of the missionsof Manchuria the United Free, the Irish Presbyterian,and the Danish Lutheran held inNewchwang in May,resolutions were unanimously passed strongly urging theestablishment of such a college, and heartily recommending it to the liberal support of all interested in thewelfare of the Chinese. It will be essentially a missionary institution, run on Christian principles, permeatedby Christian influence, and with a great deal of directChristian teaching. The majority of the students will befrom Christian homes, and there will be systematictraining in evangelistic and other branches of Christianwork. Through the generosity of the Chinese, a suitablesite for the college came into our possession contiguousto the hospital, and well situated. The Viceroy ofManchuria then guaranteed Tls. 3,000 (about ,420) ayear for ten years toward the college. During Januaryand February, 1909, Chinese officials and other friend ssubscribed $5,000 (about ^450) toward the buildingfund. In this country also many friends of our own andother churches have come forward to the support ofthecollege, and over ,2,000 has already been received.Free Church Monthly..COCHRANE.Medical Education for Men in Central China Ningpoto Chentu.With one exception whatever medical education ofmen isbeing done in Central China is in connection withmission schools. The exceptionis the recently established German medical school in Shanghai, which proposes to teach medicine in the German language andhopes to start its first medical classes next autumn(1910). Up to the present time a great deal has beendone in the matter of organization, and something likeseventy students have been enrolled for preliminarywork in German and science. The school has sustained

;We220 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.Paul D. Bergen, M.A., D.D.Harold G. Whitcher, B.Sc.H. S. Couseus, B.A.The teaching staff of the Medical College, so far asat present constituted, consists of the following foreignmembers, who will be assisted by competent Chinese :James Boyd Neal, M.A., M.D., President.K. 1 Yeiherr von Werthern, Dr. Med. et Chir.Charles F. Johnson, ]M.D.James Russell Watson, M.B., M.R.C.vS., D.P.H., Tsingchowfu,Shantung.Thomas C. Paterson, M.B., C/M., Tsouping, Shantung.The first three of the above named will teachregularly in the institution, while the last two will givesuch courses of instruction as their other duties willpermit.Besides the teaching force already arranged for, it isconfidently expected that other qualified medical men,belonging to neighboring stations, will consent to giveshort courses of instruction to the students.Regular teaching began on nth March, 1910, with10 men in the first class and 10 in the old class, underinstruction for three years past.are endeavoring to make laboratory work arather marked feature of our training here the ; equipment for four laboratories "beingnow on the ground,though owing to the exigencies of ouilding, only one thehistological laboratory is at present in commission.The other three are those of pharmaceutical chemistryand pharmacy, physiological chemistry, and clinicalpathology, all of which will be well equipped and inrunning order by autumn."An endeavour isbeing made to establish a college inMoukden in connection with the Presbyterian Missionthere.

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