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MKDICAI, MISSIONARY WORK. 215PROSPECTS.As may be gathered from the above we consider theoutlook to-day exceedingly bright. Our policy must bein the future to strengthen and to train, multiplyingourselves through our qualified Christian natives. To dothis, medical mission work needs strengthening all round,and we are thankful to see that societies are aware ofthis fact and working towards this end. No medicalmission should be one-manned. At least five good unionmedical schools should be established in the variousquarters of the Empire. We have heard much of largeuniversity schemes. We trust soon we may see themplanted down and at work. Some may ask,"Is thereany chance of the government taking these matters inhand, as in Japan, and excluding mission Wework?"think not, for two or three decades at least. They haveno trained men, they have no stability ;four hundredmillions of people call for help. So far their one or twoattempts have miserably failed. Chinese students, whohave obtained excellent Western training and qualification, on their return to China, stop to teach English, orengage in other lucrative employments which will gainthem official recognition. Their profession, their technical education, goes. But the call for army doctors,for public health doctors, for navy doctors, increasesyear by year.It appears to us that now, and probably for the nextfifteen or twenty years, a unique opportunity exists forthe Christian churches. China must have, and will get,her supply. Let the churches see to it that a wide,strong basis be supplied through Christian channels.No greater gift could the West give to the East thana devoted Christian body of nurses and doctors.We plead that they may not neglect it, but enterthe open door and take possession of the field lying whiteunto harvest, ere the opportunity passes away for ever.CECII+ J. DAVENPORT, F.fi.C.S.

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