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212 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.The China Medical Missionary Association, whichfor twenty-five years has sought to bind its memberstogether for mutual help both in the professional andspiritual life, is now a large and influential associationwith about four hundred members. Some sixty orseventy medical missionaries have attended each of itslast three triennial conferences ;the last being held inHankow. By thus meeting much help and stimulus wasobtained and much forward impetus given to the cause.Its bi-monthly journal the China Medical Journalunder the able editorship of Dr. W. H. Jefferys, isexerting an influence not confined to China and has avery largely increased circulation.The association, through its Publication Committee,ispublishing in Chinese, year by year, the best standardworks in medicine and surgery. The E. P. Missionhave kindly lent the services of Dr. P. B. Cousland tobe devoted solely to translation work. Funds havebeen donated, by private individuals and a few MissionBoards, to further this most necessary work. Alsothrough the liberality of H. S. Wellcome, Esq., London,a "trust" has been formed to perpetuate this translation work, which forms the basis of all medicaleducation and enlightenment.Again, in connection with the association a research committee* has been at work investigating thediseases of China. This committee has already donesome excellent work, the results of which have beenpublished. Further, several local branches of the association exist, holding monthly meetings for mutual helpand dealing with local evils, distributing sheet tracts ondisease, contagion, sanitation, etc.; by these means striving to enlighten the ignorant and obviate suffering.Thus it will be seen the medical missionary workis a living, active force throughout the Empire, withpromise of stillgreater usefulness in the future.* See Dr. Houghtou s paper in chapter cm Medical Education.

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