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202 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.(c) Can t say.(d) None.(e) None. None.(f) Two give the whole of the pastor s salary. All givesomething according to ability.(g) There is no church that provides all expenses. Everychurch helps in the matter of the pastor s salary. Also most incidentals are paid by native members.(h) One.(i)Answer to first fact included above. All congregationsmake some contribution.7. How do the total contributions of 1909 comparewith those ot 1906? What the average contribution nowand then? (Per member.)(a) 1906, .07 c. 1909, .30 c.(b) In 1906, $642., in 1909, $603. The average in 1906 was$1.52. The average in 1909 was #1.30.(c) Increase. Can tsay.(d)(e) Very slight increase. Do not know.(f) About the same. For several years the contributionshave averaged about $2.00 per member.(g) The increase has been considerable.(h) Contributions better now than ever. Cannot give theaverage per member. Our people are giving more eachA year.(i) little under a dollar a head, but full statistics notavailable, and underrated owing to want of separation betweenEuropean and Chinese offertories in some congregations.8. Is there a growing readiness on the part of individual Chinese Christians to contribute a. fair portion ofone s time to the work of the church?(a) No, except in rare cases.(b) Probably.(c) Yes, growing.(d) I think so.(e) I think not.(f) Yes.(g) Yes, decidedly. I have on this work two men who areself-supporting, and who devote most of their time to preaching.I think so.(h)Few (i) give time, except on Sunday, when wardens conduct divine worship voluntarily in many places.

INDEPENDENCE AND SELF-SUPPORT. 2039. Have the Chinese Christians of your missionorganized a home missionary society ? If so, what is itaccomplishing?(a) No.(b) Yes. Our mission paid its proportion in a joint workat Cbanghsing Yes.$46.19.(c)(d) Yes. Supports one evangelist.(e) There is a conference society, with contributions fromforeigners and Chinese in the proportion of about two to one infavour of the foreigners.(f) Yes. It maintains three preachers at a place called Dipu.(g) Yes, and are opening chapels in certain districts.Success good.(h) Our synod has a home missionary society, and all of thechurches under it and within its bounds contribute to thatsociety. They have an independent church at Dzanghyinwhich they support. The laud, building, and furnishings, andnow the pastor s salary, and I think a helper is also supported bythis society. They aiso have a good day-school and some outstationwork in connection with that church.Yes, employs one Chinese clergyman and two catechists(i)in the country northwest of Hangchow city. Has gained aboutsixty converts in ten years.10. What, if any, are the substantial hindrances tocomplete self-support of local church work in your fieldat this time?(a) Chiefly the view that the mission has money and theunwillingness to pay for what they can get free.(b) They could do it with some self-denial.(c) Comparative poverty and insufficient understanding ofthe duty.(d) Most of the members poor, and a small proportion give.(e) Unwillingness to self-sacrifice.(f) The only hindrance that I know is the fewness andpoverty of the members.(g) The principal difficulty standing in the way of selfsupportis the lack of financial strength on the part of the church.(h) There is no hindrance except the poverty and fewnessof the church members. Expect to see the local church selfsupportingin a year s time.(i) Poverty of the majority of converts (4,000 in number).Converts being very scattered, needing a number of pastors.

202 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.(c) Can t say.(d) None.(e) None. None.(f) Two give the whole of the pastor s salary. All givesomething according to ability.(g) There is no church that provides all expenses. Everychurch helps in the matter of the pastor s salary. Also most incidentals are paid by native members.(h) One.(i)Answer to first fact included above. All congregationsmake some contribution.7. How do the total contributions of 1909 comparewith those ot 1906? What the average contribution nowand then? (Per member.)(a) 1906, .07 c. 1909, .30 c.(b) In 1906, $642., in 1909, $603. The average in 1906 was$1.52. The average in 1909 was #1.30.(c) Increase. Can tsay.(d)(e) Very slight increase. Do not know.(f) About the same. For several years the contributionshave averaged about $2.00 per member.(g) The increase has been considerable.(h) Contributions better now than ever. Cannot give theaverage per member. Our people are giving more eachA year.(i) little under a dollar a head, but full statistics notavailable, and underrated owing to want of separation betweenEuropean and Chinese offertories in some congregations.8. Is there a growing readiness on the part of individual Chinese Christians to contribute a. fair portion ofone s time to the work of the church?(a) No, except in rare cases.(b) Probably.(c) Yes, growing.(d) I think so.(e) I think not.(f) Yes.(g) Yes, decidedly. I have on this work two men who areself-supporting, and who devote most of their time to preaching.I think so.(h)Few (i) give time, except on Sunday, when wardens conduct divine worship voluntarily in many places.

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