
Untitled Untitled

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200 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.2. If so, is there a corresponding readiness to undertake the support of the work ?00 -(b) No.(c) A slight, but by no means corresponding readiness.(d) They seem cominen<lably ready to give.(e) No."(f) Yes, as far as they are able.(g) Tliere is a willingness lo do what they can, but theylack ability.(h) Chinese Christians doing all they can according to theirability, financially.(I) There is considerable growth in support of the pastors,and there is also a flourishing missionary society.3. DJ you think the Chinese Christians in yourfield able to carry on the local church work independentlyof the missionary society ?Two churches could if thev were disposed to do so.(a)(b) No.(c) No.(d) Not yet.(e) Most certainly, no,(f) No.(g) No, not for some time yet The older portion of thefield is showing a decided disposition to support their pastorsand are paying their salaries, but rents and travel they are notable to pay.(h) Practically so.(i) I expect we shall have about twenty pastors in Chekiangsupported by the Chinese, with the help of some endowment,about fifteen to twenty years hence. Two pastors are fully andothers partially supported now.4. Is the government and discipline of your localchurches administered by Chinese, or by missionaries,or by both jointly?(a) Jointly.(b) Mostly by Chinese.(c) Both jointly.(d) By the church itself ; the missionary being a membergenerally.(e) Largelv by missionaries.(f) By Chinese, with the help and advice of the missionary.

INDEPENDENCE AND SELF-SUPPORT.2OI(g) In the older portions of the field native pastors are incharge under a presiding elder, and in those parts the nativepastors administer discipline. In other parts where there areforeign senior pastors, they administer the discipline and government jointly.(h) Jointly. Foreigners and natives on an equal basis in allchurch matters. Just now have a foreigner as a stated supply,but ordinarily the church is under a native pastor and sessionand is for all practical purposes independent.(i) Government and discipline are in the hands of a synod,of which about three-fourths are Chinese, the rest missionaries.5. What proportion of the cost of the followingitems is borne by the Chinese Christians : a. Dayschools? b. Pastors salaries ? c. Local expenses ?d. Church buildings, or halls for worship?(a) Local expenses and about one-half of rent for chapels.(b) Probably one-half.(c) Can t say.(d) Nearly all the local expenses.(e) Nothing for day-schools, twenty per cent, for pastorssalaries, ten per cent, for local expenses, nothing for churchbuildings, etc.(f ) a. About half; b. From two mouths to full salary c. A;large part d. None.;(g) a. Day-schools are partly supported by the mission, say,fifty per cent, and balance by the patrons, b. Some older circuitspay in full, while newer work pays according to their ability andthe Board funds pay the balance. All rents paid from Boardfunds, except a few chapels that have been opened by our localmissionary society.(h) About two-thirds of the native pastor s salary. He actsas an assistant to the foreign stated supply.(i) a. None all; belong to the mission, b. In two cases thewhole, in two more about three-fourths, others in reducing ratio.c. Not understood. Upkeep of places of worship, all ; mission,none. d. One church entirely built by a Chinese Christianfamily others;partly.6. How many churches have you that wholly provide the cost of either or all of these items ?that provide none ?How many(a) One that provides all, but its pastor is voluntarily drawing no salary. None that provide nothing.(b) None. None.

200 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.2. If so, is there a corresponding readiness to undertake the support of the work ?00 -(b) No.(c) A slight, but by no means corresponding readiness.(d) They seem cominen<lably ready to give.(e) No."(f) Yes, as far as they are able.(g) Tliere is a willingness lo do what they can, but theylack ability.(h) Chinese Christians doing all they can according to theirability, financially.(I) There is considerable growth in support of the pastors,and there is also a flourishing missionary society.3. DJ you think the Chinese Christians in yourfield able to carry on the local church work independentlyof the missionary society ?Two churches could if thev were disposed to do so.(a)(b) No.(c) No.(d) Not yet.(e) Most certainly, no,(f) No.(g) No, not for some time yet The older portion of thefield is showing a decided disposition to support their pastorsand are paying their salaries, but rents and travel they are notable to pay.(h) Practically so.(i) I expect we shall have about twenty pastors in Chekiangsupported by the Chinese, with the help of some endowment,about fifteen to twenty years hence. Two pastors are fully andothers partially supported now.4. Is the government and discipline of your localchurches administered by Chinese, or by missionaries,or by both jointly?(a) Jointly.(b) Mostly by Chinese.(c) Both jointly.(d) By the church itself ; the missionary being a membergenerally.(e) Largelv by missionaries.(f) By Chinese, with the help and advice of the missionary.

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