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!Q2 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.where they maintain then- own evangelist, who is a.graduate of the Union Theological School. The westchurch, but recently organized, is also doing its share inself-support and giving the Gospel to those outside. InPaotingfu all the country churches are giving liberallyfor buildings and pastors, and are more and more takingupon themselves the burdens of church duties andIn all three stations of the missionresponsibilities.Peking, Paotingfu, and Shuntefu medical and educational work, both of which are on a large scale, aregenerously sustained by fees and gifts. These, this lastyear, approximated $10,000.In the extensive region covered by the AmericanBoard Mission, self-support is making headway, thoughnot so rapidly as might be desired. In Peking thenorth congregational church, under the guidance of awise and experienced pastor, has for a number of yearsbeen entirely self-supporting and also entirely independent of foreign control. It is considered a model Chinesechurch, after which many others, it is hoped, will soonbe patterned.In the South Chihli Mission a central committee offive, chosen by delegates from aU the churches, collectsand disburses all funds contributed by Chinese members.It now has fifteen regular native evangelists at workand eighteen others on the field under instruction, ofwhom ten are nearly ready to be added to the regularpreaching corps. These evangelists are all chosen men,and several of them have literary degrees. A monthlychurch meeting is held, at which all are expected to bepiesent and make contributions.SHANSI.Since the massacre of 1900 the English BaptistMission has begun its work de novo. Thoughstill inthe first stages of self-support, the church elects its ownofficers, gives generously, controls its own funds, and

INDEPENDENCE AND SELF-SUPPORT. 193meets, to a large extent, expenses of evangelizing outlying districts. Two attempts to found an independentchurch one in the south of the province by Baptistsand the other at Taiku by converts of the AmericanBoard Mission were premature and have ended infailure. But in the Baptist, American Board, and ChinaInland Missions self-support iskept steadily in view,and is being pushed as rapidly as the condition of theprovince admits.HONAN.In the Canadian Presbyterian Mission in Honanself-support has taken the form of providing places ofworship, supporting in whole or in part Chinese evangelists, and establishing country schools. One pastorholds services at six places in buildings for worshiperected by the Chinese themselves. Another ministersin three buildings given by Christians after specialservices. Two pastors have each had, during part ofthe past year, assistant evangelists supported by thecommunities in which they labored. Two central stationssupport three evangelists each. As a rule the missionpays a part of the salaries of teachers in country schoolsat the beginning, but withdraws support after two orthree years. Successive crop failures have lessened theability of the Honan Christians to make their school andevangelistic work commensurate with their desires, andeven caused a considerable number of them, to seek morefavorable conditions in a neighboring province.In the China Inland Mission, with Kaifeng as acentre, there are 41 organized churches where the Lord sSupper is administered, 71 out-stations, 1,469 baptizedmembers, 9 boarding-schools, with 157 scholars, and 18day-schools with 260 scholars, all of whom pay schoolfees. The school at Kaifeng pays in full the salary ofan evangelist, half the rent of a street chapel, and meetsthe expenses, including rent, of an out-station. Bibleschools are held each year at each station, both for men

!Q2 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.where they maintain then- own evangelist, who is a.graduate of the Union Theological School. The westchurch, but recently organized, is also doing its share inself-support and giving the Gospel to those outside. InPaotingfu all the country churches are giving liberallyfor buildings and pastors, and are more and more takingupon themselves the burdens of church duties andIn all three stations of the missionresponsibilities.Peking, Paotingfu, and Shuntefu medical and educational work, both of which are on a large scale, aregenerously sustained by fees and gifts. These, this lastyear, approximated $10,000.In the extensive region covered by the AmericanBoard Mission, self-support is making headway, thoughnot so rapidly as might be desired. In Peking thenorth congregational church, under the guidance of awise and experienced pastor, has for a number of yearsbeen entirely self-supporting and also entirely independent of foreign control. It is considered a model Chinesechurch, after which many others, it is hoped, will soonbe patterned.In the South Chihli Mission a central committee offive, chosen by delegates from aU the churches, collectsand disburses all funds contributed by Chinese members.It now has fifteen regular native evangelists at workand eighteen others on the field under instruction, ofwhom ten are nearly ready to be added to the regularpreaching corps. These evangelists are all chosen men,and several of them have literary degrees. A monthlychurch meeting is held, at which all are expected to bepiesent and make contributions.SHANSI.Since the massacre of 1900 the English BaptistMission has begun its work de novo. Thoughstill inthe first stages of self-support, the church elects its ownofficers, gives generously, controls its own funds, and

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