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I 9 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.scholars, are self-supporting. Of the girls schools, with603 pupils, nearly one-half of the expense is met by thenative church. Local churches payall their currentexpenses, and also the cost of maintaining street chapelsin connection with them ; only the evangelists salariesbeing drawn from mission funds.CHIHLI.In the United Methodist Mission all funds raisedfrom Chinese sources are under the control of the nativechurch courts. The ideal of making all branches ofwork self-supporting is being slowly attained. Strongcentres are established, in which evangelistic, educational, and medical work is carried on by resident missionaries, by mission funds and subscriptions from thegeneral public. The churches springing from this workare linked together in one circuit and share in full thebenefits of the central institution. Three of the largerchurches are nearly self-supporting. The pastors orpreachers in four or five others are maintained by thegenerosity of wealthy members. In a hundred or moreplaces houses of worship are provided rent free by theowners.In the Methodist Episcopal Mission the rule inchurch, educational, and medical work is self-support inproportion to ability. The amounts contributed lastyear will give an idea of how the rule is carried out.They were for :pastoral support, $3,026 for home and;foreign missions, $3,229 ; for church buildings, $304; forcurrent expenses, $1,698 ;for medical work, $4, 603, andfor education, $22,135, making a total of $34,995.The churches in the Condon Mission field have thepast year established a series of church councils :first, theindividual church; second, the district church council ;third, the annual Chinese church council, correspondingsomewhat to the English Congregational Union. Thisscheme is not theoretical merely, but essentially practical,

INDEPENDENCE AND SELF-SUPPORT.IQIhaving grown out of a keenly felt need. The east citychurch supports its pastor, its chapel keeper, the teachersin two schools, pays its own incidental expenses, andmeets the expenses of two branch churches. The westcity church, small and poor, meets the incidental expenses of the church and of a preaching chapel, andsupports a school teacher. Of the sixty chapels in theHsiaochang district more than thirty have been providedby the church members without help, and for the remainder the whole sum contributed by the mission wasbut Taels 500. The Anglo-Chinese church in Tientsinsupports evangelists in three districts Tsangchou, Weichen, and Tungchou.In the Church of England Mission native churchesshare in the governmentfirst in the local council, which;raises and administers funds for the maintenance ofschools, church expenses, etc., which funds are raisedby weekly offerings, semi-annual collections, and byassessments on male communicants in proportion to theirmeans and standing, and second in the district councilwhich, worked from a central station, binds together andcontrols the individual churches. This scheme isproving efficient not only in developing self-support in thechurches, but in propagating the Gospel amongst thosethat are without.The field of the American Presbyterian Church wasin the storm centre in the Boxer outbreak in 1900. Notonly was two-thirds of the church s members in city andcountry massacred, but so much terror inspired in theeast and north that until recently few dared even tolisten to the Gospel, much less to accept it. In the city,however, the church has more than recovered itsstrength, and with growing numbers has grown in independence and self-support. The east Peking church,out of its poverty, contributed about Tls. 1,000 for thefurnishing of their new church building. Recently, witha little help from others, they have purchased andrepaired an excellent building for a chapel at Chingho,

I 9 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.scholars, are self-supporting. Of the girls schools, with603 pupils, nearly one-half of the expense is met by thenative church. Local churches payall their currentexpenses, and also the cost of maintaining street chapelsin connection with them ; only the evangelists salariesbeing drawn from mission funds.CHIHLI.In the United Methodist Mission all funds raisedfrom Chinese sources are under the control of the nativechurch courts. The ideal of making all branches ofwork self-supporting is being slowly attained. Strongcentres are established, in which evangelistic, educational, and medical work is carried on by resident missionaries, by mission funds and subscriptions from thegeneral public. The churches springing from this workare linked together in one circuit and share in full thebenefits of the central institution. Three of the largerchurches are nearly self-supporting. The pastors orpreachers in four or five others are maintained by thegenerosity of wealthy members. In a hundred or moreplaces houses of worship are provided rent free by theowners.In the Methodist Episcopal Mission the rule inchurch, educational, and medical work is self-support inproportion to ability. The amounts contributed lastyear will give an idea of how the rule is carried out.They were for :pastoral support, $3,026 for home and;foreign missions, $3,229 ; for church buildings, $304; forcurrent expenses, $1,698 ;for medical work, $4, 603, andfor education, $22,135, making a total of $34,995.The churches in the Condon Mission field have thepast year established a series of church councils :first, theindividual church; second, the district church council ;third, the annual Chinese church council, correspondingsomewhat to the English Congregational Union. Thisscheme is not theoretical merely, but essentially practical,

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