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A ReliableReference Atlasis a necessary book of reference for everyone, andyour Library isnot complete without one.The following Atlases are recommended as beingTHOROUGHLY ACCURATE AND RELIABLE.The Royal Atlas.Containing 60 exquisitely colouredand clearly printedMaps, 25 by 20 in, with a-complete Index to each Mapand a General Index to the principal places of the world.Bound in half-morocco, gilt .edges and titles, 20 by 14in. jC 4 4*. net.A sumptuous Volume for the Library.The Handy Royal Atlas.Consisting of 53 beautifully coloured Plates, 18^ by14^ in., and Complete Index. Bound in Rexine,15 by 10^ iu., 255. half -bound; morocco, 375. 6d.An excellent Atlas for Qeneral Use.World-wide Atlas.Contains 128 beautifully coloured Maps of all parts ofthe World, two Frontispieces the Flags of all Nationsand the Time of all Nations, Introduction by Dr. ScottKeltic, Secretary of Royal Geographical Society, London, giving an Account of Geographical Discovery andPolitical Territorial Changes from the beginning ofNineteenth Century, 98 pages of Index to 67,000 Placesfor rapid reference. Handsomely bound in Cloth.The Atlas for Everyone. Only 7s. 6d. }^bd. 12/6.W. & A. K. JOHNSTON, Limited,Edina Works, and Prudential Chambers, 2 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh ;6 Paternoster Buildings, London, E.G.

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