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EVANGELISTIC WORK IN THE COUNTRY. 185that one of the blessed results of such revivals should bedoubly renewed efforts on the part of believers for thesalvation of their heathen neighbours.During the past three years there has been verydecided progress as regards this phase of evangelisticwork in the country, and we praise God that we areable to chronicle it.III. THE REGULAR STAFF AND ITS LIMITATIONS.For some years direct aggressive evangelistic workin the country districts has not been given the place itought to have in such a laud as China. It is well thatthose interested in the cause of missions should enquireinto the causes for this, and whilst my statement onthis question will not be exhaustive by any means, itwill give something by way of suggestion. From lettersreceived from all parts of the field I feel that I am onperfectly safe ground to say that the cause for the apparent neglect of what all will admit to be the firstwork of the missionary is two-fold. But first let us seewhether this aggressive form of evangelistic work isneglected or not. The Evangelistic Association of Chinawas organized by request of the China Centenary Missionary Conference because of a very general felt needfor something that would revive direct evangelisticwork. This in itself is sufficient to convince us thatthis phase of missionary work is not now occupying theplace it did, or ought to do, but letters received fromall parts of the Empire speak of the rise of educationalwork and the rapid wane of direct evangelistic workby the recognized agents of the missionary societies.So we may sajely conclude that direct aggressive evangelism is not where it was, and it is therefore impossibleto record anything like progress, though we gratefullythank God for what He has done by what may be termedthe irregular evangelistic work of those who had otherduties to perform.

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