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EVANGELISATION IN THE CITIES. 179is largely if not entirely taking the place of street chapelwork. The best results are obtained when the guestroom with its personal dealing is used as the adjunct ofthe open preaching inthe chapel.In large student centres special lectures and servicesare greatly appreciated and well attended by the studentclasses.The question of efficient evangelistic work in connection with hospitals and dispensaries should receivecareful thought. While greater skill and thoroughnessis being shown in surgical and medical work and higherresults are being attained, so that as object lessons ofChristian philanthropy our hospitals never stood so highas they now do, it is a question whether the evangelisticside is pressed as earnestly as was once the case. Theforeign missionary becomes more and more the leaderand organiser of a large band of Chinese workers, andit is no longer possible for him to spend the time at thebedside that once he delighted to do, but it should berecognised that this work demands the best efforts ofour most highly trainedevangelists, men who can notonly lovingly enforce the claims and consolations ofthe Gospel to those in the wards, but can form friendships and carry on correspondence with those whohave been impressed, after they have returned to theirhomes.In closing, I would strongly emphasise the necessityof setting apart men as evangelistic missionaries. Educational \vork, literary work, medical work, businesswork, training work, are all indispensable, but it shouldbe our concern to arrange that at each important centreat least one man should be set free to specialise as apreacher of the Gospel to the masses. Whatever otherwork we attempt, nothing should be allowed to put outsight what is after all our first and greatest duty,namely the making Christ known to the people as awhole.C. G. SPARHAM.

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