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"Much<{l6S CHINA MISSION* YEAR BOOK.Provinces of Kiangsu and Chekiang.Shanghai.has been done to conserve tothe Chinese church meeting in Makkacheon, Shanghai,all those rights and privileges which are exercised bycongregational churches in the homeland. I have beenpresent regularly at the meetings of the Church Council,and great zeal for the cause of the church has beenmanifested by the members. This church has takenover the responsibility for the upkeep of two newlyopenedstations in the country, and a plan system hasbeen followed whereby workers have gone regularlyfrom the church to conduct Sunday services at one ofthese places."Province of Hupeh.Hankow, Wuchang, Siaokan, Hwangpei, Tsaoshih.Hankow. The year was one of strongly contrastedlights and shades. For many months three members ofthe staff were seriously ill, and the strain of keeping thework going upon those who remained at the station wasalmost unbearable. Nevertheless the work was carriedon and some advance made. The Chinese staff rose tothe occasion, working earnestly and thoroughly in eachdepartment. At the beginning of the year a certaindepression was noticeable in the church, but graduallythe tone improved, and for man} months, whether testedby the size and attentiveness of the congregations,or by the largeness of the contributions, there was constant cause for praise.Mr. Sparham writes: Early in the year, whenour foreign staff was at the lowest, some of the leadingChristians came to me and said that they would liketo start a Tsz-li Hwui or Self Administration Society.Their idea was that the Chinese Christians should raisea fund for church purposes which they would themselves administer for the purpose of strengthening orextending the work of the mother church."

"""EVANGELISTIC WORK. 169Province of Hunan.Changsha, Siaugtan, Hengchowfu.Chungking.Province of SzecJiwan.Province of ChihlLTientsin, Siaochang, Weikiachualig, Tsangchow andYenshan, Peking.Tientsin. A series of revival meetings in the spring,conducted by a member of the Canadian PresbyterianMission, was extremely helpful to the members of thecity church, and in the autumn some special meetings,led by members of the Methodist Episcopal Mission,stirred the people to renewed efforts to bring their friendsand neighbours to a knowledge of the Gospel. Duringthe summer the members of our church and those of theAmerican Board commenced a monthly united service inthe city ;the idea originated with the native Christiansthemselves, and received the hearty sympathy and support of the foreign missionaries.Siaochang. Mr. Grant emphasises the necessity ofconvincing the converts that they are responsible for therunning of the church it is a fatal kindness to do;everything for them, and he adds that the poverty ofthe Chinese is an invention of the devil to rob the converts of their most precious privileges."Peking. The church in the Chinese city continuesto be the brightest spot in the mission. It is entirely selfsupportingpays the salaries of a preacher and school;master, and is liberal in gifts to all outside objects.It is a living church in the truest sense.

"Much<{l6S CHINA MISSION* YEAR BOOK.Provinces of Kiangsu and Chekiang.Shanghai.has been done to conserve tothe Chinese church meeting in Makkacheon, Shanghai,all those rights and privileges which are exercised bycongregational churches in the homeland. I have beenpresent regularly at the meetings of the Church Council,and great zeal for the cause of the church has beenmanifested by the members. This church has takenover the responsibility for the upkeep of two newlyopenedstations in the country, and a plan system hasbeen followed whereby workers have gone regularlyfrom the church to conduct Sunday services at one ofthese places."Province of Hupeh.Hankow, Wuchang, Siaokan, Hwangpei, Tsaoshih.Hankow. The year was one of strongly contrastedlights and shades. For many months three members ofthe staff were seriously ill, and the strain of keeping thework going upon those who remained at the station wasalmost unbearable. Nevertheless the work was carriedon and some advance made. The Chinese staff rose tothe occasion, working earnestly and thoroughly in eachdepartment. At the beginning of the year a certaindepression was noticeable in the church, but graduallythe tone improved, and for man} months, whether testedby the size and attentiveness of the congregations,or by the largeness of the contributions, there was constant cause for praise.Mr. Sparham writes: Early in the year, whenour foreign staff was at the lowest, some of the leadingChristians came to me and said that they would liketo start a Tsz-li Hwui or Self Administration Society.Their idea was that the Chinese Christians should raisea fund for church purposes which they would themselves administer for the purpose of strengthening orextending the work of the mother church."

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