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166 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.sometimes veiled impatience of what is thought to beforeign control. During the first two years of existenceas a self-supporting church, the elders and deacons havemet all the financial obligations, ending each year witha substantial balance.The changing conditions in Canton are making themselves felt. Sunday, for example, is becoming more andmore a day of leisure for many, and societies with moreor less of a philanthropic motive, are being started "allround." Sunday being so much more a leisure day makesit an exceedingly busy day for certain businesses, whichfind itincreasingly difficult to shut their shops on Sunday.Fatshan. "Towards the end of the year Mr. ChanChun-sin, one of the members of the Fatshan church,gained great distinction in Peking. He has been inAmerica for several years, first as interpreter in theChinese Legation at Washington and then in a largeagricultural college in California. He returned to Chinain 1907, and last year, at the examination held in Pekingunder the new regime, he passed the highest of any ofthe students who have been abroad. He now holds anappointment as head of an agricultural college establishedat Moukden. If he keeps true to Christ, and he hasbeen an earnest Christian up till now, we may well hopethat he may be a good servant of China and a witnessfor the truth in high circles."Poklo. At one of the oldest chapels, Naam SheTong, there was a great disturbance in June due to avillage feud arising out of the surrounding villagesendeavoring to force the Christians in Naam She Tongto subscribe to a heathen festival.Fukien Province.Amoy, Hweianhsien, Changchowfu, Tingchowfu.Amoy. The number of churches and out-stationsin the North River and Hweian districts is just one-half

"EVANGELISTIC WORK. 167of the total number in the whole Amoy mission, including the Ting Chin branch. Out of a total of 238 adultbaptisms during the year in all districts, 144 were baptized in these two districts, while together they accountfor 1,721 church members out of the 3,372.Mr. Macgowan writes: "I am happy to say thatthe political unrest has not so far affected the system ofself-support that I have built up with such difficultyduring the past years. In 1113* recent visitation amongstthe churches, much to my delight they have all subscribed enough to pay for the support of their preachersduring the next year. This is all the more gratifying,as I was prepared for a certain amount of disaster, because in the great plain, where the most of them aresituated, there has recently been an unprecedented floodthat has submerged their rice crops and has so utterlydestroyed them that for many square miles they can only"be used as fodder for the cattle.A vigorous Mandarin in one of the counties hasappealed to one of our pastors to help him in carryingout his plans for the suppression of opium. I haveno faith," he said to the pastor,"in the scholars andleading men of my district. Main- of them are alreadyopium smokers, and their influence will certainly not beused to restrict the production of opium. The Christians have always been opposed to the opium traffic.I believe in their honesty, and so I turn to you to aidme in the great fight that I am going to have in doingaway with the production of something that is doinginfinite mischief to my people."Hweianhsien. The evangelistic work in the hospital was pursued with vigor both the;hospital preacherand the matron are most earnest Christians, and plainspeaking and preaching goes on in the hospital in consequence. It may be safety said on nearly everyone ofthe twenty-six stations there is one person or more whofirst came under Christian influence in the hospital.

166 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.sometimes veiled impatience of what is thought to beforeign control. During the first two years of existenceas a self-supporting church, the elders and deacons havemet all the financial obligations, ending each year witha substantial balance.The changing conditions in Canton are making themselves felt. Sunday, for example, is becoming more andmore a day of leisure for many, and societies with moreor less of a philanthropic motive, are being started "allround." Sunday being so much more a leisure day makesit an exceedingly busy day for certain businesses, whichfind itincreasingly difficult to shut their shops on Sunday.Fatshan. "Towards the end of the year Mr. ChanChun-sin, one of the members of the Fatshan church,gained great distinction in Peking. He has been inAmerica for several years, first as interpreter in theChinese Legation at Washington and then in a largeagricultural college in California. He returned to Chinain 1907, and last year, at the examination held in Pekingunder the new regime, he passed the highest of any ofthe students who have been abroad. He now holds anappointment as head of an agricultural college establishedat Moukden. If he keeps true to Christ, and he hasbeen an earnest Christian up till now, we may well hopethat he may be a good servant of China and a witnessfor the truth in high circles."Poklo. At one of the oldest chapels, Naam SheTong, there was a great disturbance in June due to avillage feud arising out of the surrounding villagesendeavoring to force the Christians in Naam She Tongto subscribe to a heathen festival.Fukien Province.Amoy, Hweianhsien, Changchowfu, Tingchowfu.Amoy. The number of churches and out-stationsin the North River and Hweian districts is just one-half

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