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164 CHINA MISSION YKAK BOOK.South China.Wuchow, Pingloh, Kueilin, Pingnam, Kwaiping,Nanning, Lungchow, Watlam, Lauchovv, Lohting.An extract from a report of the work at Lungchowreads: "I decided to go from door to door and put aGospel into every home, free of charge, and tell thestory of salvation to each one as I had opportunity. Ifound the people ready to listen, and many invited meinto their homes, giving me an opportunity to explainto them more clearly the way of life. This is said tobe a work difficult to do in China, owing to the peculiarsocial conditions that exist here. But I found that thedifficulties were more imaginary than real.11Although we have not yet begun a work in thisneglected land (Anam) of 25,000,000 of people, I feelI cannot close this report without includingit. We feelthat the opening of Lungchow, right on its border, isan important step toward its opening."Western China and Tibet.Taochow, Minchow, Titaochow, Chone.Our West China Mission has six stations four inKansuh and two in Tibet. A new centre has just beenopened in Hochow, a city governing a population of400,000 people.The two first female baptisms were included lastyear, also one Tibetan and two half-breeds, partly Chinese and partly Tibetan.London Missionary Society.Provinces of Kwangtung, Fukien, Kiangsu, andChekiang, Hupeh, Hunan, Szechwan, Chihli.Province oj Kwangtung.Hongkong, Canton, Fatshan, Poklo.Hongkong. The Canton-Hongkong Mission, thoughitexperienced a number of vicissitudes, finds itself at

KVANGKTJSTIC WORK. 165the close of the year in a much improved position ascompared with that described in the last annual report.The outstanding events of the year in connectionwith the evangelistic work were the death in Februaryof Mr. Tong Siu-ping and the call of the church to hissuccessor, Mr. Cheung Chuk-ling. Mr. Ping was "aliving epistle known and read;" never leaving a dutyundone, nor ever failing in loyalty to conscience."The To Tsai Church should never lose sight ofto German Lutheran Societies in Southits obligationChina, which have bestowed on it two able and culturedteachers in the persons of Mr. Wong Yuk-cho, whosespiritual lineage and early service linked him with theKhenish and Berlin Missions, and of Mr. Cheung C]uikling,who was born, nurtured, and trained for theministry in the Basel Mission."Canton. In June, owing to the excessive rains, thenorth-east and west rivers overflowed and devasted thesurrounding districts. In many places the crops weretotally destroyed. In raising funds to help the needly,Christian and non-Christian worked side by side, and astriking proof was thus afforded of the change in publicfeeling towards the former."In the future the whole weight of State influenceand support will be on the side of Confucianism." InCanton the Minister of Education has issued most stringent regulations forbidding tire teaching of the ChristianScriptures in any school under his control. No newschool, of the new type, can be set up on Chinese groundand run by Chinese unless they conform to his rulesand are under his inspection. The only exceptions areschools controlled by foreigners, or schools in churchbuildings.The change in the status of the church has madethe position of the foreign missionary rather a delicateone. There is a marked feeling of independence and

KVANGKTJSTIC WORK. 165the close of the year in a much improved position ascompared with that described in the last annual report.The outstanding events of the year in connectionwith the evangelistic work were the death in Februaryof Mr. Tong Siu-ping and the call of the church to hissuccessor, Mr. Cheung Chuk-ling. Mr. Ping was "aliving epistle known and read;" never leaving a dutyundone, nor ever failing in loyalty to conscience."The To Tsai Church should never lose sight ofto German Lutheran Societies in Southits obligationChina, which have bestowed on it two able and culturedteachers in the persons of Mr. Wong Yuk-cho, whosespiritual lineage and early service linked him with theKhenish and Berlin Missions, and of Mr. Cheung C]uikling,who was born, nurtured, and trained for theministry in the Basel Mission."Canton. In June, owing to the excessive rains, thenorth-east and west rivers overflowed and devasted thesurrounding districts. In many places the crops weretotally destroyed. In raising funds to help the needly,Christian and non-Christian worked side by side, and astriking proof was thus afforded of the change in publicfeeling towards the former."In the future the whole weight of State influenceand support will be on the side of Confucianism." InCanton the Minister of Education has issued most stringent regulations forbidding tire teaching of the ChristianScriptures in any school under his control. No newschool, of the new type, can be set up on Chinese groundand run by Chinese unless they conform to his rulesand are under his inspection. The only exceptions areschools controlled by foreigners, or schools in churchbuildings.The change in the status of the church has madethe position of the foreign missionary rather a delicateone. There is a marked feeling of independence and

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