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EVANGELISTIC WORK. 163Singapore.They have the individual cup in Wukingfu becauseof leper communicants. In some of the Singaporechurches separate cups have been provided for lepercommunicants, and in one church at least for a wholecongregation.The Christian and Missionary Alliance.Central China, Shanghai, South China, WesternChina, and Tibet.Central China.Wuchang, Hankow, Wuhu, Wanchi, Nanlinghsien,Tatong, Tsingyanghsien, Ch angslia, Siangtan, Changteh.The most interesting incident of the year has beenthe building of a new training school for native workersat Wuchang under the direction of Doctor Glover. It isknown as the Blackstone Bible Institute in grateful recognition of the noble service Mr. Blackstone has givenboth in contributing and securing funds for this purpose. The supreme note, both in the praises and prayersof the missionaries, is revival.There are several large homes for wido\vs in Changshaunder official management. The matrons or someof the inmates of several of these have come to thechapel and invited us to visit their homes and preach,and we have eagerly grasped the opportunities and goneto them. However, we have never been permitted tostay very long, for the official, who has no love for usor our Christianity, hearing that we were there, sentin a messenger asking us to leave, giving a foolish excuse. One such home we visited last spring, wherethere were over a thousand widows with their children,who were taught to do embroidery for their support.

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