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156 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The Siokhe District. This is not the only churchin this region where women never darken church doorsthroughout the whole year. Is it a wonder that manychurches are and remain weak ?United Methodist Mission(English).North China, Southeast China, Southwest China.North China.Circuits of Tientsin, Laoling, Wutingfu, T angshau,Yungp ingfu.The area occupied stretches from the Yellow Riverto the Great Wall, and embraces hundreds of cities,towns, and villages. Evangelistic, educational, andmedical work is carried on, with special agencies for theinstruction of women and girlsThe medical work is also evangelistic, and manythousands of sufferers, who are relieved each year, hearthe Gospel. Martyrs Memorial Hospitals are to beerected at Wutingfu and Yungp ingfu. In the lattercity hospital work is carried on on a small scale, butfurther extension is contemplated. The Chu Chia Hospital has enlarged its usefulness by the establishmentof branch dispensaries in the neighbouring cities of Tehpingand LaolingThis is the jubilee year of the North China Mission.It was in 1850 that Messrs. Innocent and Hall startedfor the Celestial Empire, and for a few years the workwas necessarily small.L,aoling Circuit. There is not much progress toreport in this circuit, and the baptisms have beenfewer than usual. . . Some of the newer churches arefairly progressive, but some of the older churches remainstationary year by year.The causes no doubt are complex and hard todiscover, but one of the contributory factors is, I think,

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 157evident. We are trying to cover too much ground withour limited staff of workers ;the result being that someof the more distant places can only be reached at oddtimes, and the light fails, and those who were gropingtheir way towards the light sink back into the gloom.Wutingfu Circuit. The condition of the Wutingfucircuit does not vary very much from that of theprevious year. The work of the churches has beenmaintained, though we cannot record any greatsteadilyincreases. A number of places report larger congregations, but at others there has been a slight falling off.T angshan Circuit. The T angshan circuit hasmade substantial progress during the past year, and weare happy to report an increase of 64 members the roll; of probationers showing a slight decrease.Yungp ingfu Circuit. The Revs. G. T. Candlin,Li Ngan-su, and Liu Fang (the latter a devoted youngpastor of the American Methodist Church at Ch anglihsien)commenced for us a week of special serviceson February 27th. The meetings, held twice daily,were remarkable for great manifestations of spiritualinfluence and power. Members were in from all thecountry churches the; morning attendances never fellbelow 60, while each night the chapel was packed to itsutmost capacity with about 150 people.SoutheastChina.Circuits of Ningpo, Weuchow,Ningpo District. Our Ningpo work covers a bigarea. From our most northern station to our mostsouthern station is a distance of 600 Chinese // 200English miles. Our stations are scattered over eightdifferent hsiens or magistracies. We have work inthree walled cities ;the United Methodist Church beingthe only Protestant mission working in two of thesewalled cities. .

156 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The Siokhe District. This is not the only churchin this region where women never darken church doorsthroughout the whole year. Is it a wonder that manychurches are and remain weak ?United Methodist Mission(English).North China, Southeast China, Southwest China.North China.Circuits of Tientsin, Laoling, Wutingfu, T angshau,Yungp ingfu.The area occupied stretches from the Yellow Riverto the Great Wall, and embraces hundreds of cities,towns, and villages. Evangelistic, educational, andmedical work is carried on, with special agencies for theinstruction of women and girlsThe medical work is also evangelistic, and manythousands of sufferers, who are relieved each year, hearthe Gospel. Martyrs Memorial Hospitals are to beerected at Wutingfu and Yungp ingfu. In the lattercity hospital work is carried on on a small scale, butfurther extension is contemplated. The Chu Chia Hospital has enlarged its usefulness by the establishmentof branch dispensaries in the neighbouring cities of Tehpingand LaolingThis is the jubilee year of the North China Mission.It was in 1850 that Messrs. Innocent and Hall startedfor the Celestial Empire, and for a few years the workwas necessarily small.L,aoling Circuit. There is not much progress toreport in this circuit, and the baptisms have beenfewer than usual. . . Some of the newer churches arefairly progressive, but some of the older churches remainstationary year by year.The causes no doubt are complex and hard todiscover, but one of the contributory factors is, I think,

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