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"154 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.committed since entering the church. As a result ofthese revivals, the church has been greatly purified andstrengthened.Nanking. A. K. Cory has superintended the UnionBible Institute in Nanking, and has acted as secretaryof the Centenary Conference Committee for the Promotion of Bible Study. He says: I have given a greatdeal of time and energy to the promotion of Bible study.I have seen this work carried forward in some fourteenprovinces of China through provincial federation andother committees."Reformed Church in America*Amoy Mission.Districts of Amoy, Chiangchiu, Siokhe, Tongan.The year just past will be remembered for the manyblessings that have come to this Mission. But no oneis so outstanding as that which brought the large increaseof foreign workers on the iyth of October the largestin the sixty-six years history of the work in thesepartsṪhe native church is a growing church, growingnumerically, growing in benevolence and in ever increasing self-support. The year 1907 showed an increaseof nearly $1,000 in this latter direction. But this reviewwill scarcely reveal that it is growing inthe spiritual power,power and might of the Spirit, as we all long to seeit. There is a good deal of coldness, dead ness, andworse than all, indifference. For some reason the commercial spirit of the times has a most deadly grasp uponmany of our church members, while of those who jointhe church we fear that among them there are not afew coming from wrong motives.In examining the different churches another thinghas been more forcibly impressed than ever before, to

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 155wit, that the church is growing almost entirely fromwithout. The addition from within, i.e., the reception of baptized children, is an exceedingly smallpercentage.Chiangchiu District. Work in the upper Chiangchiudistrict has been greatly interfered with by thegreat flood of October i5th, in which over 1,000 liveswere lost. In Chiangchiu city over 6,000 houses werewholly or partially destroyed. Immense tracts of ripening grain were ruined, and with it vanished many afarmer s fondest hopes. The river was a raging torrent in ; places over thirty feet above normal level. Inthe ladies house and girls school the water left itsmark five and one-half feet above the floor and threefeet and a half in the missionary s residence. Some 450feet of ten-foot high compound wall were battered down.The book room succumbed, and a goodly stock of bookswas ruined.The church escaped the flood, and has had a yearfull of blessings. The attendance at Sunday serviceshas been remarkable, and affords a fine sight. Theplatform is in the centre of the large auditorium, aboutwhich the pastor assembles his attentive flock of men,women, and scholars. The Senior and Junior EndeavorSocieties are still flourishing.The Lengsoa church remains the banner church inthe sense of giving greatest cause for rejoicing. Notwithstanding that the church roof is being demolishedby our enemies the white ants, the members of thischurch are also gradually making inroads on Christ senemies. They have asked for assistance to open fournew out-stations within their borders. Alas, on accountof scarcity of laborers only one has been opened, andthat one only because the church was willing that oneof their number should hold the fort as chapel keeper,while members of the consistory take turns in conductingSunday services.

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 155wit, that the church is growing almost entirely fromwithout. The addition from within, i.e., the reception of baptized children, is an exceedingly smallpercentage.Chiangchiu District. Work in the upper Chiangchiudistrict has been greatly interfered with by thegreat flood of October i5th, in which over 1,000 liveswere lost. In Chiangchiu city over 6,000 houses werewholly or partially destroyed. Immense tracts of ripening grain were ruined, and with it vanished many afarmer s fondest hopes. The river was a raging torrent in ; places over thirty feet above normal level. Inthe ladies house and girls school the water left itsmark five and one-half feet above the floor and threefeet and a half in the missionary s residence. Some 450feet of ten-foot high compound wall were battered down.The book room succumbed, and a goodly stock of bookswas ruined.The church escaped the flood, and has had a yearfull of blessings. The attendance at Sunday serviceshas been remarkable, and affords a fine sight. Theplatform is in the centre of the large auditorium, aboutwhich the pastor assembles his attentive flock of men,women, and scholars. The Senior and Junior EndeavorSocieties are still flourishing.The Lengsoa church remains the banner church inthe sense of giving greatest cause for rejoicing. Notwithstanding that the church roof is being demolishedby our enemies the white ants, the members of thischurch are also gradually making inroads on Christ senemies. They have asked for assistance to open fournew out-stations within their borders. Alas, on accountof scarcity of laborers only one has been opened, andthat one only because the church was willing that oneof their number should hold the fort as chapel keeper,while members of the consistory take turns in conductingSunday services.

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