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"152 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Hongkong University, the allotting of ^35,000 from thePan-Anglican Congress Fund for work in China, etc.,etc., show how auxiliary agencies outside the regularmissionary societies are having the needs and claims ofChina laid upon them.Of Shansi Mr. Lutley writes: The gracious workof the Holy Spirit in revival has been spreading untilevery church in Central Shansi has been reached withthe blessed life-givingriver."At Hwochow one of the Chinese helpers testifiedthat he had been unable to sleep all night on account ofhis sin, and must confess it. During the Boxer troublesthe sura of Tls. 100 had been sent by the missionariesin Pingyangfu to Mr. Robertson, who afterwards died.The money never reached him, and was subsequentlyhidden by this helper in his courtyard. As the Boxerslooted and fired the house every one thought the moneywas lost, but he had afterwards dug it up and used ithimself.As he told this story he became greatly agitated,and fell in agony of mind to the ground, crying aloudand beseeching God to forgive him. On the women sside of the building his wife was also weeping aloud forhaving hindered her husband.Mr. Adam reports that the Miao have, out of theirawful poverty, been giving most liberally and willinglyto God s work. "Sometimes," he states, "one feelsreally sorry to take their gifts ; only we know how distressed they would be if we did not receive them. Surelythe heart of the Lord Jesus must be greatly rejoiced tosee His grace thus abounding in the hearts of these dearpeople. They have given grain and cash sufficientfor the support of three preachers and possibly for afourth. So thankful are they for the good news ofGod s dear Sou, brought to them through the Bible,that they sent $25 to the British and Foreign BibleSociety and $14 to the West China Tract Society asthaiikofferings."

" "Come"EVANGELISTIC WORK. 153Miss Guex writes of a certain widow: "So constantly has slie invited the passers-by to come in tohear the doctrine that a bird, a sort of magpie, whichher boys keep in a cage, took up the cry, and to theastonishment of all, the bird with its high-pitched clearvoice would repeat the words of the good womanLaitiug-tao-liand hear the doctrine."Foreign Christian Missionary Society.Chaohsien, Chucheo, Luchowfu, Nanking, Nantungchow,Shanghai, Wuhu.Evangelist Shi, of Chucheo, accepted an invitationfrom the Anhwui Federation Council Committee to helpin the evangelistic services at the Wuhu Bible Institutein April. This was the first institute gathering of theAnhwui province Christian workers under the CentenaryConference plan. Our Nanking Bible Institute, startedsix years ago, is now changed into a union instituteunder the six missions of that city.Along the lines of progress the misson reports inadditions to the churches ;one new missionary, MissEva May Raw four;new out-stations opened four new;day-schools for boys and girls started ;a day-schoolchanged into a boarding-school at Chucheo, and lastbut not least, the Bible College and Training-school inaugurated at Nanking.Chucheo. The church at Chucheo and several ofthe out-stations have had revivals. The chief characteristic of these meetings has been a conviction and confession of sin by the church members. Our most giftedand trusted evangelists have confessed to their beingguilty of gambling, opium smoking, adultery, and usingthe power of the church in official business. A largemajority of the most active and prominent membershave made open confession of the sins which they have

"152 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Hongkong University, the allotting of ^35,000 from thePan-Anglican Congress Fund for work in China, etc.,etc., show how auxiliary agencies outside the regularmissionary societies are having the needs and claims ofChina laid upon them.Of Shansi Mr. Lutley writes: The gracious workof the Holy Spirit in revival has been spreading untilevery church in Central Shansi has been reached withthe blessed life-givingriver."At Hwochow one of the Chinese helpers testifiedthat he had been unable to sleep all night on account ofhis sin, and must confess it. During the Boxer troublesthe sura of Tls. 100 had been sent by the missionariesin Pingyangfu to Mr. Robertson, who afterwards died.The money never reached him, and was subsequentlyhidden by this helper in his courtyard. As the Boxerslooted and fired the house every one thought the moneywas lost, but he had afterwards dug it up and used ithimself.As he told this story he became greatly agitated,and fell in agony of mind to the ground, crying aloudand beseeching God to forgive him. On the women sside of the building his wife was also weeping aloud forhaving hindered her husband.Mr. Adam reports that the Miao have, out of theirawful poverty, been giving most liberally and willinglyto God s work. "Sometimes," he states, "one feelsreally sorry to take their gifts ; only we know how distressed they would be if we did not receive them. Surelythe heart of the Lord Jesus must be greatly rejoiced tosee His grace thus abounding in the hearts of these dearpeople. They have given grain and cash sufficientfor the support of three preachers and possibly for afourth. So thankful are they for the good news ofGod s dear Sou, brought to them through the Bible,that they sent $25 to the British and Foreign BibleSociety and $14 to the West China Tract Society asthaiikofferings."

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