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""KVANGEUvSTIC WORK. 151ment, and of this nearly 21,000 are stillspared to gatherround the Lord s table from time to time Of thisnumber, 2,540 were received into fellowship during lastyear.For the shepherding of these souls and the evangelization of those yet uureached, the Mission has 211central stations, more tbau 790 out-stations, 995 chapels,9 hospitals, 34 dispensaries, 84 opium refuges, and morethan 200 day and boarding-schools with about 4,000scholars.Special attention may be called to the growingimportance of our schools for giving Christian trainingand instruction to the children of church members.Readers of "The Story of the C. I. M." will rememberthat such school work dates back to the early days ofthe Larnmerinuir party, but with the more rapidgrowth of the churches in recent years, the developmentof this department has become imperative. And, inaddition to the schools for the children of Christians,the growing need for trained native helpers and for moredefinite Bible teaching throughout the churches has, inthe natural order of development, become increasinglyapparent during the last few years. For this importantwork several men have been set apart some for the;systematic training of selected Chinese helpers, whowill be gathered into central Bible Training Institutesfor a two years course of study, and some for the holding of shorter courses, extending for a few weeks at atime only, with selected church members at the variousstations and out-stations throughout the provinces.The Religious Tract Society s effort to raise ^20,000for Christian literature in China, the China EmergencyCommittee s effort to raise ,100,000 for educational,medical, and literary work in China, the Yale University s Mission in Hunan, the proposed Princeton University Movement in Peking, the Pennsylvania!! UniversityMovement in Canton, the Eton Hostel for Chengtu, thesuggested Oxford and Cambridge scheme, and proposed

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