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"148 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.on probation, over double the number received last year.Over half of those who found Christ were students ofour educational institutions in Foochow. At one time39 young men of the Anglo-Chinese College werebaptized and admitted, and at another 36 girls from theboarding-school. From 55 day schools in the district 175were received on probation, and 14 into full membership.Hinghwa.Circuits of Hiughwa, Sienyu, Yehwa, Yungan,Yungchun.A glance at the statistics shows that it has not beena year of large numerical gains. There has been anincrease of only three per cent., the smallest increase ina good many years. Nevertheless I believe it has beena very good year in the progress that counts most forthe future salvation of the Hinghwa people.The organization of preachers wives into a Stimulating and Working Society" has been a notablefeature of the year s work. They have held their annualexamination with most encouraging results.Central China.Circuits of Chinkiang, Kiukiang, Nanchang, Nanking, Shanghai, Wuhu.Nanking. The administration of the university forthe year has been interrupted by the transferring of Dr.Stuart to the editorial and translating work in Shanghai.The student body is a great improvement over whatwe had in former years. This is due to our now beingable to select our students more carefully, and also tothe fact that students are beginning to realize that ausable knowledge of modern learning is not to be hadfrom two or three years devoted to elementary Englishand science. We are also insisting that students, bothchurch members and non-Christian, shall pay somethingfor what they are getting.

""EVANGELISTIC WORK. 149NorthChina.Circuits of Ckangli, Lwanchovv, Peking, Shanhaikwaii,Taiaufu, Tientsin, Tsunhwa.Lwauchow. Dr. Pyke was asked lo help us inholding a revival meeting of two days, which resulted ingreat blessing. At Tangchiaho also we had a successfulrevival conducted by Mr. Tseng.Peking. We have three well-situated chapels on ornear the three great streets in the southern city. Aftersix months," writes Rev. James H. Pyke, the intereststill continues. This is more especially true of thechapel on the Great Front Street, which is crowded forhours every afternoon in the week. Usually, towardthe close, all the standing room isoccupied, whilenumbers are without about the door. Deep interest inthe preaching is always manifested, and often there isconsiderable emotion. When an expression of faith andpurpose is called for seldom less than twenty to thirtyhands are uplifted, and the entire audience will rise andstand with bowed heads while prayeris being offered.The silence and order observed is equal to that of themost devout congregations. More than one hundredhave applied for admission to the church, most of whomhave been received on probation, while half as manymore are inquiring."The revival meetings held in Asbury Church duringthe spring must be recorded as one of the events of theyear. Perseverance was rewarded by decided victoryover all obstacles, and the entire church received a greatblessing. It was good to see the pastor come out fromunder a deep cloud into the warm sunshine again.Tsunhwa. In Tsunhwa city with the ruins stillstanding on our once well-arranged and beautiful premises in the south suburb, where only the hospitalbuilding and school dormitories have been restored, thereis small reason for wonder that the people are notattracted to us, and surmise that we are totally discour-

""EVANGELISTIC WORK. 149NorthChina.Circuits of Ckangli, Lwanchovv, Peking, Shanhaikwaii,Taiaufu, Tientsin, Tsunhwa.Lwauchow. Dr. Pyke was asked lo help us inholding a revival meeting of two days, which resulted ingreat blessing. At Tangchiaho also we had a successfulrevival conducted by Mr. Tseng.Peking. We have three well-situated chapels on ornear the three great streets in the southern city. Aftersix months," writes Rev. James H. Pyke, the intereststill continues. This is more especially true of thechapel on the Great Front Street, which is crowded forhours every afternoon in the week. Usually, towardthe close, all the standing room isoccupied, whilenumbers are without about the door. Deep interest inthe preaching is always manifested, and often there isconsiderable emotion. When an expression of faith andpurpose is called for seldom less than twenty to thirtyhands are uplifted, and the entire audience will rise andstand with bowed heads while prayeris being offered.The silence and order observed is equal to that of themost devout congregations. More than one hundredhave applied for admission to the church, most of whomhave been received on probation, while half as manymore are inquiring."The revival meetings held in Asbury Church duringthe spring must be recorded as one of the events of theyear. Perseverance was rewarded by decided victoryover all obstacles, and the entire church received a greatblessing. It was good to see the pastor come out fromunder a deep cloud into the warm sunshine again.Tsunhwa. In Tsunhwa city with the ruins stillstanding on our once well-arranged and beautiful premises in the south suburb, where only the hospitalbuilding and school dormitories have been restored, thereis small reason for wonder that the people are notattracted to us, and surmise that we are totally discour-

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