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146 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.was that in which we adopted as our ideal, "OneProtestant Christian Church for West China." Onepractical step towards the realisation of this ideal wasin the unanimous decision, which comes into force atonce, that church members who leave their own districtand move into that of any other mission, shall beadmitted into full membership without any conditionwhatever. This means that one of our members, onremoving into a district occupied by any other mission,would be received into the church there without beingrequired to undergo water baptism or any other rite.We have now five monthly meetings centering inour five stations. The Chungking monthly meeting,the first church meeting organised by the FriendsMission in China, has been about sixteen years inexistence, and is a centre of much life. The monthlymeetings have been times of helpfulness, when missionaries and Chinese members have been drawn closertogether. The difficulties of the work have been facedand the members have been led to trust more in thepower of Christ in the midst of His people.Looking at the evangelistic side of our work weare more struck there than anywhere else with the lackof anything approaching to an adequate supply ofworkers, native or foreign. The number of preachersand teachers is so painfully limited that the whole workis in danger of arrested development," of becomingformal, inert, and superstitious.In the girls schools the girls make a firm standagainst foot-binding, and when a new girl enters theschool, with bound feet, it is not very long before sheunbinds them, not wishing to be different from theothers.The West China Christian Educational Union, withwhich several of our schools are affiliated, is a newfactor in the educational situation in West China.Robert J. Davidson, as secretary of this Union, hasaided it much in its formative period, A course of

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 147study has been laid down for affiliated schools, andexaminations are held at the close of each year ; papersbeing prepared at the request of the Union by missionaries in various parts of the field.Henry T. Hodgkin s Y. M. C. A. work has beenclosely linked with his work for the F. F. M. A. HisSunday morning addresses to young men on such subjects as "Science and and Life" "The Principles ofWestern Civilisation," have drawn students from otherschools besides our own. In other ways he is gettinginto close touch with Chinese young men. He andRobert J. Davidson have been on various committees inconnection with the Educational Union, the UnionUniversity, and Church Union.Methodist Episcopal Church (North).Conferences of Foochow, Hinghwa, Central China,North China, and West China.Foochow. Circuits of Foochow, Haitang, Kutien,Mintinghsien, Ngucheng, Shanghai, Yenpingfu.Foochow. The church has responded to the newspirit of reform that is reviving the national life, andwhich is an influence from the Christian civilization ofthe West, and our people are, in many places, identifiedwith, if not the leaders of, the social reforms. This isespecially true in the anti-opium movement. Mr. DingNgengguong, a graduate of our Anglo-Chinese College,a member of our church, and an active Christian worker,is president of a federation of all the more importantreform societies in Foochow. A notable event, whichsignifies much to the church, was the promulgation of adecree by the viceroy of the province last August, prohibiting idol processions and requiring that Christians beexempt from payments to the support of idol worship.We have taken 163 into full membership, which isfive times as many as last year, and have received 241

146 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.was that in which we adopted as our ideal, "OneProtestant Christian Church for West China." Onepractical step towards the realisation of this ideal wasin the unanimous decision, which comes into force atonce, that church members who leave their own districtand move into that of any other mission, shall beadmitted into full membership without any conditionwhatever. This means that one of our members, onremoving into a district occupied by any other mission,would be received into the church there without beingrequired to undergo water baptism or any other rite.We have now five monthly meetings centering inour five stations. The Chungking monthly meeting,the first church meeting organised by the FriendsMission in China, has been about sixteen years inexistence, and is a centre of much life. The monthlymeetings have been times of helpfulness, when missionaries and Chinese members have been drawn closertogether. The difficulties of the work have been facedand the members have been led to trust more in thepower of Christ in the midst of His people.Looking at the evangelistic side of our work weare more struck there than anywhere else with the lackof anything approaching to an adequate supply ofworkers, native or foreign. The number of preachersand teachers is so painfully limited that the whole workis in danger of arrested development," of becomingformal, inert, and superstitious.In the girls schools the girls make a firm standagainst foot-binding, and when a new girl enters theschool, with bound feet, it is not very long before sheunbinds them, not wishing to be different from theothers.The West China Christian Educational Union, withwhich several of our schools are affiliated, is a newfactor in the educational situation in West China.Robert J. Davidson, as secretary of this Union, hasaided it much in its formative period, A course of

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