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138 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.church, and, considering ability, are contributing liberally to its support. This isapparent when we considerthat they are now contributing nearly as much to thework per year as isapportioned to the Huchow districtin the division of the bulk sum sent out by the Board ofMissionsThe district, now containing about fifty preachingplaces and embracing some three million souls, wasorganized in 1901 from one circuit with 184 membersand has grown into five circuits with a membership of1,016. At that time the value of the property ownedby the native church was $952 ;it is now $6,359. Inthe matter of self-support there has been an increase ofmore than 600 per cent. The number of local preachershas increased from three to sixteen and exhorters fromfour to thirty-seven.Woman s Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church.North China. Peking, Tientsin, Ch angli, Taianfu.Four girls from the Fukien province have enteredthe school, preparing to take up the study of nursing ormedicine, and these must of necessity be taught the Mandarin dialect. The former noisy method of study haspassed away, and now the halls and school rooms are soquiet that one almost wonders that 250 girls are at workthere. A revival wave passed over the school in earlyspring. This began with a week of daily meetings, ledby Mr. Goforth, of the Canadian Presbyterian Mission,and was continued for another week by Drs. Pyke andHobart.Central China. Chinkiang, Nanking, Wuhu,Kiukiang, Nanchang.A great revival has visited Central China, in whichall the various missions have shared. Nanking, as beingthe most central, was the place chosen for the meetings,while Wuhu, Chiukiang, and many smaller stations sent

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 139their workers and as many Christians as would go.The Rev. Mr. Goforth, of the Canadian PresbyterianMission, who has been leading revival services in otherparts of the empire, was secured for a ten days stay inthe latter part of February. A tent holding sixteenhundred people was put up. Daily meetings were held,both morning and afternoon, and much prayer was madein many smaller gatherings. A spirit of confession cameupon the people, so that hundreds definitely repented.The Nanking School, in obedience to its commisionto develop the Woman s College for Central China, hasbegun to enlarge its borders.From the Rulison Fish Memorial School at Kiukiang,Miss Merrrill writes: "However, the keenestinterest centers in the spiritual growth of the pupils.A most gracious revival has visited the school. Girlswho had not spoken to each other for weeks ormonths confessed their faults and renewed their friendship at the altar. Ivike incidents were to be notedamong the women in the Woman s School and amongthe young men in William Nast College.West China. Chungking, Cheutu, Tzechow.The school at Chentu will ultimately be affiliatedwith the Union Christian University, composed of aunion of the three mission schools represented inCheutu.Foochow. Foochow, Mingchiang, Ngucheug, andHohchiang, Haitaug, Kucheng and Kude, Yenping.The school at Foochow began with eight girls.They were given clothing, tuition, and books, and werefed. Seven of the original eight came from the peasantclass. They were all daughters-in-law. Of this classonly three remained to finish the five years course.Since that time the course has been extended to covera period of eleven years. The Bible, catechism, andcolloquial books were the only text-books in the early

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 139their workers and as many Christians as would go.The Rev. Mr. Goforth, of the Canadian PresbyterianMission, who has been leading revival services in otherparts of the empire, was secured for a ten days stay inthe latter part of February. A tent holding sixteenhundred people was put up. Daily meetings were held,both morning and afternoon, and much prayer was madein many smaller gatherings. A spirit of confession cameupon the people, so that hundreds definitely repented.The Nanking School, in obedience to its commisionto develop the Woman s College for Central China, hasbegun to enlarge its borders.From the Rulison Fish Memorial School at Kiukiang,Miss Merrrill writes: "However, the keenestinterest centers in the spiritual growth of the pupils.A most gracious revival has visited the school. Girlswho had not spoken to each other for weeks ormonths confessed their faults and renewed their friendship at the altar. Ivike incidents were to be notedamong the women in the Woman s School and amongthe young men in William Nast College.West China. Chungking, Cheutu, Tzechow.The school at Chentu will ultimately be affiliatedwith the Union Christian University, composed of aunion of the three mission schools represented inCheutu.Foochow. Foochow, Mingchiang, Ngucheug, andHohchiang, Haitaug, Kucheng and Kude, Yenping.The school at Foochow began with eight girls.They were given clothing, tuition, and books, and werefed. Seven of the original eight came from the peasantclass. They were all daughters-in-law. Of this classonly three remained to finish the five years course.Since that time the course has been extended to covera period of eleven years. The Bible, catechism, andcolloquial books were the only text-books in the early

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