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134 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.upon the point of episcopal jurisdiction which have beendebated since the episcopate of the first Bishop Boonehad not been happily settled by the concordat signed atLambeth in July, 1908, by the Bishop of Chekiang andthe Bishops of Shanghai and Hankow, and approvedby the Archbishop of Canterbury and the PresidingBishop. This agreement came into effect on January ist,and has worked perfectly.The annual meeting of the Men s Auxiliary is another note of interest. This is an organization whosemembers are pledged to use their best efforts for the extension of the church among their countrymen. The meetingwas attended by 150 laymen. This body is becoming aself-propagating body, for it supports a catechist, and itsgifts for this purpose were $130 larger than ever before.Hankow District. Hankow, Wuchang, Shasi, I-chang, Hanch uan, Kiukiang, Wuhu, Ankiug, andChangsha. (Stations and out-stations.)The chief events in the missionary district ofHankow during the past year are the ordination of sevenChinese deacons ;the licensing of four catechists andfour Bible-women after completing their courses in thetraining-schools the completion of the new All Saints;Catechetical School building at Hankow the; taking overbodily of the work of the American Lutheran Mission inHankow, consisting of Christians, catechumens, schoolfor boys and girls, a church, house for workers, and apreaching-hall the purchase of long desired land and;buildings for the women s hospital at Wuchang the;securing of premises, also much desired, for the schoolfor the wives and daughters of mandarins in Wuchang ;the gift of $10,000 for a boys school building at An-of the Old Woman s Homeking, and the completionand the Girls Industrial School building at St. Saviour s,Wuchang. . . .The evangelistic work in the missionary districtof Hankow includes four provinces Hupeh, Kiangsi,

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 135Nganwhei, and Hunan, and comprise an area of 118,441square iniles, populated by over 50,000,000 people.Scattered throughout this great area Bishop Rootshas forty-six different stations where the church sservices are regularly established, with fifteen churchbuildings and thirty-one chapels, in charge of fifteenforeign and twenty-one native clergymen, assisted bytwenty Bible-women, 124 teachers and forty-five catechists.There are 1,287 communicants.The staff at Anking was in very imminent peril,owing to the mutiny which broke out among the troopson November i9th, and the ladies were obliged to leavethe city for two weeks, but the men remained throughout the trouble, and that the mutiny was purely local andtemporary is shown by the fact that both the boys andgirls schools there were able to take up their work againwithin a few weeks, and that they ultimately lost none oftheir pupils through this very ominous disturbance. . . .On May iSth Boone was incorporated as a university, thus securing the right to grant degrees, whichwill enable it to hold to the end of their course manystudents who would otherwise go to institutions wheretheir work would be given such recognition, or whowould drop out altogether for the lack of this incentiveto complete a thorough course. It is a satisfaction tonote that Boone Medical School was able to begin itswork again, and that eleven of our best students haveformally agreed to finish the medical course of five years,with one year additional for hospital and post-graduatework.Canadian Methodist Mission.Central Szechwan (districts of Chengtu, Jenshow,Junghsieu, Kiating, Tzeliutsiug and Weiyuau, and L,uchow).In common with mau)^ other Mission Boards, amore aggressive policy for reinforcements has been fol-

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 135Nganwhei, and Hunan, and comprise an area of 118,441square iniles, populated by over 50,000,000 people.Scattered throughout this great area Bishop Rootshas forty-six different stations where the church sservices are regularly established, with fifteen churchbuildings and thirty-one chapels, in charge of fifteenforeign and twenty-one native clergymen, assisted bytwenty Bible-women, 124 teachers and forty-five catechists.There are 1,287 communicants.The staff at Anking was in very imminent peril,owing to the mutiny which broke out among the troopson November i9th, and the ladies were obliged to leavethe city for two weeks, but the men remained throughout the trouble, and that the mutiny was purely local andtemporary is shown by the fact that both the boys andgirls schools there were able to take up their work againwithin a few weeks, and that they ultimately lost none oftheir pupils through this very ominous disturbance. . . .On May iSth Boone was incorporated as a university, thus securing the right to grant degrees, whichwill enable it to hold to the end of their course manystudents who would otherwise go to institutions wheretheir work would be given such recognition, or whowould drop out altogether for the lack of this incentiveto complete a thorough course. It is a satisfaction tonote that Boone Medical School was able to begin itswork again, and that eleven of our best students haveformally agreed to finish the medical course of five years,with one year additional for hospital and post-graduatework.Canadian Methodist Mission.Central Szechwan (districts of Chengtu, Jenshow,Junghsieu, Kiating, Tzeliutsiug and Weiyuau, and L,uchow).In common with mau)^ other Mission Boards, amore aggressive policy for reinforcements has been fol-

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