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"132 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Mission has decided to open work there immediately,and Mr. and Mrs. Sallee have been appointed upon theirown motion to begin the work.South China. Canton, Yingtak, Wuchow, and Shiuhing.During the past year protracted meetings have beenheld that have made our hearts leap with joy, and thathave made some of us wonder for the moment whetherwe were in a strange land or in the home land, andsometimes we have had a foretaste of the Better Land.In some of these meetings the preaching has been donewholly by the Chinese brethren ;notable examples beinga week s services at Wuchow by Pastor Fung, of Canton,and meetings held at various places especially for theChristians by Secretary Cheung, of the Home MissionBoard. The Holy Spirit is raising up great preachersin China great preachers, great churches, great institutionsThe twenty-third annual meeting of the BaptistAssociation of the "Two Kwongs," that is, of thechurches connected with, or neighbors to, our work, washeld at Canton. There were 148 regularly accreditedmessengers from nineteen churches in Kwongtung andKwougsaiwork this. . .provinces. One of the features of theyear was the raising of a special subscriptionfor getting out a Baptist edition of the Cantonese Colloquial New Testament. The Home Mission Board, thefirst child of the association, has done three years ofgood work, now supportingits own corresponding secretary and the work of three stations. . . .For several years a work has been carried on at Pakhopby Brother Wong Sang-cheung, familiarly knownas Deacon Wong." This name was given to this trulygood man by Dr A. J. Gordon, who baptized him intothe fellowship of the Clarendon Street Church, Boston.Mention is made of him in the publishedlife of Dr.Gordon. Wong is supported by friends in Boston

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