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130 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.which greatly hindered the work for the remainder ofthe year.The doors of Manchuria have been closed to us, itseemed, until the summer of 1908, when the Lord stirredup Brother Peyton Stephens to make another attemptin behalf of our North China Mission. In the summer,with two evangelists, he made the first trip to look outthe land, and, following the line of railway, the} preachedthe good news as far as Harbin.Central China. Shanghai, Soochow, Chinkiang, andYangchow.The year 1907 is made memorable by the visit ofDr. and Mrs. Willingham. Never before in the historyof the Southern Baptist Convention has a secretary ofthe Foreign Mission Board seen with his own eyes thevast field in which we are laboring and come faceto face with the multitudes we are trying to save.Our strongest church is, of course, the Old NorthGate Church, established by Dr. Yates. It is largelydirected by a group of earnest young men and Pastor\Vu. These young men have also supported and conducted a school in connection with one of the chapelsand have held a large number of evangelistic services.During the summer they conducted a series of specialmeetings running through several weeks, in which muchfaithful and effective preaching was done. The Cantonese church is a specially encouraging part of ourShanghai work.Brother McCrea is trying to open work in Changchowfu,a large prefectural city just half way betweenChinkiang and Soochow. He says of this place: "Itis on the Grand Canal and its occupation will close upthe last gap between the eastern and the western sectionof our Mission and will complete the famous Yatestriangle which is mentioned in his biography andwhich he wished to occupy over thirty years ago.This has not yet been done through lack of workers.

"AsEVANGELISTIC WORK. 131During the first half of the year all our missionariesin the Mandarin-speaking district gave a large part oftheir time to the sufferers from the great famine inKiangpei which raged throughout the winter. Moreof this work fell on Brother McCrea than upon anyother member of the Mission. vSome idea of it maybe gained from his brief account.treasurer ofour missionary committee, I received nearly half amillion dollars in silver. The correspondence connectedwith my office was very heavy and took nearly all mytime. In addition to this money, Dr. Klopsch, of theChristian Herald, sent our committee a cargo of 80,000fifty-pound bags of flour. And the Shanghai reliefcommittee received nearly a million silver dollars, whichthey mostly converted into food in Shanghai and sentup to the missionaries on the famine field for distribution. It is estimated that, although hundreds ofthousands died, probably totaling a million, the foreignrelief saved nearly a million from starvation."Interior Mission.Chenchow, Honan.It is gratifying to note that there are many indications that the missionaries of the Board and of theGospel Mission are growing closer together on the field.In compliance with a promise made many months ago,Mr. Herring made a trip during the fall to Pochow,Auhwei, to help Mr. Wade Bostick, of the GospelMission, in some special meetings. On this trip hepassed through six walled cities, all but two of whichwere unoccupiedThe visit of Dr. Willingham encouraged us to planfor an advance. In line with his suggestion we decidedto investigate the advisability of opening work in Kaifengat once. This city is the provincial capital, andis about fifty miles by rail direct east of Chenchow.It is not only the capital, but is the largest and by farthe most influential city in the province., . . After twovisits to Kaifetig and a study of the situation, the

130 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.which greatly hindered the work for the remainder ofthe year.The doors of Manchuria have been closed to us, itseemed, until the summer of 1908, when the Lord stirredup Brother Peyton Stephens to make another attemptin behalf of our North China Mission. In the summer,with two evangelists, he made the first trip to look outthe land, and, following the line of railway, the} preachedthe good news as far as Harbin.Central China. Shanghai, Soochow, Chinkiang, andYangchow.The year 1907 is made memorable by the visit ofDr. and Mrs. Willingham. Never before in the historyof the Southern Baptist Convention has a secretary ofthe Foreign Mission Board seen with his own eyes thevast field in which we are laboring and come faceto face with the multitudes we are trying to save.Our strongest church is, of course, the Old NorthGate Church, established by Dr. Yates. It is largelydirected by a group of earnest young men and Pastor\Vu. These young men have also supported and conducted a school in connection with one of the chapelsand have held a large number of evangelistic services.During the summer they conducted a series of specialmeetings running through several weeks, in which muchfaithful and effective preaching was done. The Cantonese church is a specially encouraging part of ourShanghai work.Brother McCrea is trying to open work in Changchowfu,a large prefectural city just half way betweenChinkiang and Soochow. He says of this place: "Itis on the Grand Canal and its occupation will close upthe last gap between the eastern and the western sectionof our Mission and will complete the famous Yatestriangle which is mentioned in his biography andwhich he wished to occupy over thirty years ago.This has not yet been done through lack of workers.

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