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EVANGELISTIC WORK. 125a rope around his neck and nearly choked him to death,and then threatened to bury him alive, but he remainedtrue, and the officers of the church effected a settlementand reconciliation.During the year Hwaiyuen Station organized whatis believed to be the first Christian church in NorthAnhvvei with a membership of over sixtyBoth Father Rouxel and the Father at Fengyangfuhave been very friendly. We have exchanged callsseveral times, and have been able to be of some mutualservice to one another. During Mrs. lyobenstine sillness they were most kindin sending some things forher they felt might be of use and in the deep sympathythey showed in her suffering. We shall do our best towork together as those under the standards of one greatCaptain and to keep peace between those who follow usand those who follow with them. That this will not beeasy, every one familiar with the work in China knows,but we shall do our best to avoid friction, and if causesof friction do arise to settle them out of court by correspondence or conference with the Fathers themselves.North China Mission. Peking, Paotingfu, andShuntefu.At Peking the meetings in April, conducted by Mr.Goforth, of the Canadian Presbyterian Mission inHonan, were of great benefit, deepening the spirituallife of our people and giving a greater desire for thesalvation of souls A bookstore has beenopened by the chapel for the sale of Christian andeducational books. It is the only store of this kind inthe whole north city. It is managed by Chinese and isquite an attraction for the chapel services. Themanagers spend their leisure time in teaching suchinquirers for the truth as may come in to listenThere is an important though difficult field at Ch inghe,which is near the barracks of the northern division ofImperial army. On Sundays the soldiers are off

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