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EVANGELISTIC WORK. 123Mission only that the services and counsel of one foreignerbe continued.In Hangcfiow College during the two semesters 157students have been enrolled ;the highest attendancebeing 136 and the average attendance about 125. Ofthe whole number eighty-two were either Christians orthe children of Christian parents and seventy-five fromnon-Christian homes. Several of these latter are applicants for baptism. A notable feature in the years workwas the graduating of eleven students from the collegein January. This was the largest class that evergraduated in the history of the collegeEncouraging progress has been made toward the removalof the college to the beautiful new site acquired onHangchow Bay. Over $15,000 has already been received,and nearly $20,000 more has been pledged.Hainan Mission. Kiungchow, Nodoa, and Kachek.The Mission reports that, in spite of plague in oneStation and cholera in another, the missionaries have beenunusually well during the past year, and that there hasbeen advance along all lines of work. There have beenmore catechumens and more converts than ever before andmore boys and girls applying for admission to the schools.In the evangelistic work at Kiungchow there hasbeen a steady growth of interest among the Christians.This has been manifested in the desire on the part ofsome to guard against the admission to membership ofthose whose fitness is in doubt On October 6 theisland was visited by a typhoon, and the hospital, incommon with the whole city of Hoihow, was inundatedfrom the sea. The swollen river, the high tide, and thewind backing up the water in the river, made the waterin the hospital premises about four feet deep. Considerable damage was done to the interior of the hospital.Two of the roofs were damaged, and the enclosing stonewall in front of the Mission property was broken downby the violence of the surf.

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