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120 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.probationists. The parish is 3,200 square miles in area,and is touched in 20 different places where regularservices are held. The Pangchuang field has 2 ordainedpreachers and 12 uiiordained. The total number ofChinese evangelists, men and women, was 30Notice should be taken of the work at Techou, whichhas seen the largest growth in the least time of anyof the out-stations. This is an important centre forwork. A rather remarkable growth in the work hasoccurred in the small village of Kechuaug. It seemsquite within the range of possibility that the villageshould become Christian at a no very distant date. Ofabout 20 families there were baptized last fall 8 men,and 13 men and women were accepted on enrollment.The old defunct missionary society was reorganizedduring the year. A graduate of the mission collegeand seminary has been called to serve as missionary forthe society.Shansi Mission. Two stations ; 9 out-stations ; 4ordained men, one a physician 2 unordained physicians ; ;3 single women total; missionary force, 1412 organizedchurches and 17 places of regular meeting; (120 communicants, 24 added by confession of faith this year, forTaiku only) ; 750 adherents ; 14 unordained preachers ;15 teachers; 19 other native helpers; total nativelaborers, 53.The year has been one of great awakening throughout the province, and this has not been without a reflexaction upon the work. The political changes andthe new reform movements, arousing the people to apolitical and social self -consciousness, have stirred thechurches to a consciousness of their responsibility andtheir strength in a manner which isTwo unmistakable.out-standing features of the work at Taikuare, first, the revival in and of the church in November,1908, and the weeks following ; and, secondly, thereorganization of the Taiku church as a direct outcome

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 121of the revival. The church had never been fullyreorganized since the catastrophe of 1900.At Fenchowfu the several departments of the church slife have been put upon a more solid basis, with theChristian Endeavor Society reorganized and enlarged sothat it continues to prove the most effective agency inthe training of men in self-confidence and in the abilityto express themselves before an audience. Two SundaySchools have been organized, with an enrollment of168 There has been through the year an increasing demand from outsiders for Christian literature.Perhaps the most encouraging single feature ofthe year is the hold that the church has gained uponthe government schools of the city.The American Presbyterian Mission, North.Missions in China: (i) Central China Mission, (2)Hainan Mission, (3) Hunan Mission, (4) KianganMission, (5) North China Mission, (6) East ShantungMission, (7) West Shantung Mission, (8) South ChinaMission,At the Federation Meeting in Shantung a year agoattention was called to the fact that there were ChineseChristians from many quarters in Vladivostock for whomthere was no church provision. The Rev. George Cornwell,of our East Shantung Mission, and Elder Hiei Paokiewent to Vladivostock to investigateand found quitea nucleus of believers... One of our pastors, Hwang Pingfu,who has been for ten years in charge of one church,contemplates going to Vladivostock on this mission,though definite plans have not yet been completed.Another interesting fact is the organization of a missionary society by the Chinese Presbyterians of Shantungprovince. They hope to send an evangelist to an unoccupied place in Chihli province, and they are manifestingconsiderable interest in this project.

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 121of the revival. The church had never been fullyreorganized since the catastrophe of 1900.At Fenchowfu the several departments of the church slife have been put upon a more solid basis, with theChristian Endeavor Society reorganized and enlarged sothat it continues to prove the most effective agency inthe training of men in self-confidence and in the abilityto express themselves before an audience. Two SundaySchools have been organized, with an enrollment of168 There has been through the year an increasing demand from outsiders for Christian literature.Perhaps the most encouraging single feature ofthe year is the hold that the church has gained uponthe government schools of the city.The American Presbyterian Mission, North.Missions in China: (i) Central China Mission, (2)Hainan Mission, (3) Hunan Mission, (4) KianganMission, (5) North China Mission, (6) East ShantungMission, (7) West Shantung Mission, (8) South ChinaMission,At the Federation Meeting in Shantung a year agoattention was called to the fact that there were ChineseChristians from many quarters in Vladivostock for whomthere was no church provision. The Rev. George Cornwell,of our East Shantung Mission, and Elder Hiei Paokiewent to Vladivostock to investigateand found quitea nucleus of believers... One of our pastors, Hwang Pingfu,who has been for ten years in charge of one church,contemplates going to Vladivostock on this mission,though definite plans have not yet been completed.Another interesting fact is the organization of a missionary society by the Chinese Presbyterians of Shantungprovince. They hope to send an evangelist to an unoccupied place in Chihli province, and they are manifestingconsiderable interest in this project.

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