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Il8 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.There has been a spiritual awakening in variousparts of North China, notably in the Manchurianchurches and in Shansi, tinder the leadership of Rev.Jonathan Goforth. Some of the results have been striking. Chinese evangelists have been called forth to thishigher work by the SpiritThe work at Peking was established in 1864. Thepopulation of the field is reckoned at 3,000,000. Themissionaries in the station have the help of 3 ordainedChinese, 18 unordained preachers, and 9 Bible-women.There are also 18 Chinese teachers. In the 4 organizedchurches and 23 preaching places there were 1,169 communicants, 122 being added during the yearThe new era is marked in the country work atTungchou by the addition of three men from the seminary, who are now doing strong, aggressive work whereonly the fort could be held before. The 6 out-stationsnow have 72 members, only 8 of whom are survivors ofthe Boxer war. The number is now up to that of 1900.Another help to the country work was the addition of4 colporteurs supported by the American Bible Society.Only one was possible before. These colporteurs aim tovisit all the market towns in the three counties regularly.The revival in the Central Church last year did nothave all the effect the missionaries wished in quickeningthe evangelistic spirit of the members. Yet the sense ofresponsibility has been deepened and has already made thechurch work far easier than before. The church SundaySchool, which is separate from the college Sunday School,has increased in membership from 60 to 140. A groupof 29 church members at the East suburb has organizeda "self-support society," but its future is not yet assured. Two station classes of 26 and 14 men, respectively, were held in the city last winter in addition tothe three in the country. Another mark of the new erato makeis the rise in the helpers salaries. It ishopedthis up by economizing in incidental expenses or byputting such expenses on the shoulders of the natives.

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 119Another year must see an increased income or the cutting down of expenses by combining out-stations or dismissing helpers.The station at Kalgan occupies a strategic position,lying as it does at the doorway into Mongolia. Perhapsit has as large an opportunity as any station. There isgrowing up in Mongolia a new state. Chinese from farand near are pouring through the Great Wall by thousands every year to take up this new land and turn itinto rich farms. The railroad from Peking to Kalganhas now been completed, and the Chinese governmenthas decided to continue itright through Mongolia to theRussian frontier In this field there are 2 licensedpreachers and i Bible- woman; 4 preaching places ; 240church members, 8 of whom were added during theyear. The iboys boarding-school had last year 13pupils, and the i day school for boys 33 pupils. Therehave been 6 men in employ all the year and i womanusing part of her timeThe church at Paotingfu has passed through asevere experience, which for a time seemed to threatenits unity and harmony. The clouds have now, however, rolled away and peace is restored. The specialevangelistic services held by Mr. Goforth, of Honan,for six days, were well attended. There were manyconfessions and conversions ;the most unexpectedmanifestations being in the boys school. At the following Christmas meeting there were over 70 in thecommunity who took one of the three steps towardsentering the church the; largest number in thirty-fiveyearsIn the station of Pangchuang at Christmas timethere was appointed a Poor Committee in the church tohave general oversight of the needs of the poor in theparish. The total membership of the Pangchuangchurch was, at the end of the year, 892, with accessionsduring the year of 56, an increase of n over the additionsfor the previous year. Fully 450 are on the rolls as

Il8 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.There has been a spiritual awakening in variousparts of North China, notably in the Manchurianchurches and in Shansi, tinder the leadership of Rev.Jonathan Goforth. Some of the results have been striking. Chinese evangelists have been called forth to thishigher work by the SpiritThe work at Peking was established in 1864. Thepopulation of the field is reckoned at 3,000,000. Themissionaries in the station have the help of 3 ordainedChinese, 18 unordained preachers, and 9 Bible-women.There are also 18 Chinese teachers. In the 4 organizedchurches and 23 preaching places there were 1,169 communicants, 122 being added during the yearThe new era is marked in the country work atTungchou by the addition of three men from the seminary, who are now doing strong, aggressive work whereonly the fort could be held before. The 6 out-stationsnow have 72 members, only 8 of whom are survivors ofthe Boxer war. The number is now up to that of 1900.Another help to the country work was the addition of4 colporteurs supported by the American Bible Society.Only one was possible before. These colporteurs aim tovisit all the market towns in the three counties regularly.The revival in the Central Church last year did nothave all the effect the missionaries wished in quickeningthe evangelistic spirit of the members. Yet the sense ofresponsibility has been deepened and has already made thechurch work far easier than before. The church SundaySchool, which is separate from the college Sunday School,has increased in membership from 60 to 140. A groupof 29 church members at the East suburb has organizeda "self-support society," but its future is not yet assured. Two station classes of 26 and 14 men, respectively, were held in the city last winter in addition tothe three in the country. Another mark of the new erato makeis the rise in the helpers salaries. It ishopedthis up by economizing in incidental expenses or byputting such expenses on the shoulders of the natives.

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