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114 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.in a school for boys and union with the London andWesleyan Missions in the work of a medical school arecheering signs of advance.Or. T. S. Barbour, the foreign secretary, visitedthe field this year.South China. Churches, 120; members, 3,194;added by baptism, 207. As in the preceding year, muchcare has been given to guidance of the movement amongthe native churches toward self-direction. In the Swatowfield a council was held in December, at which theindependence of the church at Khekkoi was recognized.This is the second church in this field the other beingthe church at Autheh on Natnoa Island to assume fullresponsibility for self-support and self-go vernrneiit underthe leadership of the pastor. In other churches thereis a similar spirit of self-reliance and aggressivenesswithout indication of desire for formal independenceThe several native associations are becoming moreefficiently organized and are taking vigorous measures tocarry forward the work of evangelization. Associationmeetings at Swatow, Ungkung, and Hopo are reported asbeing unusually interesting and profitable. The nativemissionary society of Kityang has assumed entire responsibility for Weichow district, having called the pastorof the Kityang church to the oversight of this work.Two successful missionary conventions were held ; $546Mexican being raised for the Weichow work. A generalconvention of the Hoklo-speaking churches of SouthChina was held at Kityang in the autumn.East Chi?ia. Churches, 25 ; members, 1,297 ;addedby baptism, 116. The results of evangelistic work donot vary greatly from those of the preceding year ;thenumber of baptisms being almost exactly the same.Several missionaries report that the most serious hindrance is the scarcity of well-trained and consecratedworkers. It isexpected that the situation will be much

EVANGELISTIC WORK. 115when the men now studying in the seminary atrelievedShanghai become available for active service. Duringthe vacation period the students have given welcome aidin their respective fields.West China. Churches, 4; members, 460; addedby baptism, 123. The year has been one of signalblessing in the work of this mission. The numberreceived by baptism is nearly three-fold that reportedlast year. The church membership shows a gain oftwenty-five per cent. All stations have participated inthe ingathering, for which the missionaries give muchcredit to the faithful efforts of native workers. Amongthe twenty converts received at Suifn were eleven women, eight of whom are wives of Christian men andwere brought to Christ through the influence of theirhusbands. The out-station work in this field still presents serious problems. The number of centres hasbeen reduced to ten, with beneficial results in a morethorough and effective cultivation.Central China. Churches, 7 ; members, 471 ;addedby baptism, 35. The year has been eventful in thismission, situated at the greatest centre in the interior ofChina. The conference held in connection with the visitof the foreign secretary resulted in the settlement ofimportant questions related to the future developmentof the work. Two enterprises of great significance wereunder consideration. The first, the establishment of aunion medical school for the training of Chinese physicians under Christian auspices. Three societies havingwork at this centre the London Missionary Society, theWesleyan Missionary Society and the Missionary Unionhave entered into cooperation for maintenance of sucha school, taking as a foundation the medical school nowconducted by the London Mission in Hankow. Eachsociety is to maintain at least two medical men on thefield, who shall be available as instructors and lecturers

114 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.in a school for boys and union with the London andWesleyan Missions in the work of a medical school arecheering signs of advance.Or. T. S. Barbour, the foreign secretary, visitedthe field this year.South China. Churches, 120; members, 3,194;added by baptism, 207. As in the preceding year, muchcare has been given to guidance of the movement amongthe native churches toward self-direction. In the Swatowfield a council was held in December, at which theindependence of the church at Khekkoi was recognized.This is the second church in this field the other beingthe church at Autheh on Natnoa Island to assume fullresponsibility for self-support and self-go vernrneiit underthe leadership of the pastor. In other churches thereis a similar spirit of self-reliance and aggressivenesswithout indication of desire for formal independenceThe several native associations are becoming moreefficiently organized and are taking vigorous measures tocarry forward the work of evangelization. Associationmeetings at Swatow, Ungkung, and Hopo are reported asbeing unusually interesting and profitable. The nativemissionary society of Kityang has assumed entire responsibility for Weichow district, having called the pastorof the Kityang church to the oversight of this work.Two successful missionary conventions were held ; $546Mexican being raised for the Weichow work. A generalconvention of the Hoklo-speaking churches of SouthChina was held at Kityang in the autumn.East Chi?ia. Churches, 25 ; members, 1,297 ;addedby baptism, 116. The results of evangelistic work donot vary greatly from those of the preceding year ;thenumber of baptisms being almost exactly the same.Several missionaries report that the most serious hindrance is the scarcity of well-trained and consecratedworkers. It isexpected that the situation will be much

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