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MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND HOYS. 109The American Episcopalians have high schools atSoochow, Shanghai, and Wusih, preparing students forSt. John s University.The Northern and Southern Baptists have a unionCollege at Shanghai, with preparatory schools at Shanghai, Hnchow, Ningpo, Hangchow, Soochow, etc.The American Presbyterians, North and South,have a union college at Hangchow with preparatoryschools at Hangchow, Kashiug, Shanghai, Chinkiang,etc., and they have also agreed to unite their girlsschools at Haugchow.The Methodists, the Presbyterians, U. S. A., andthe Disciples have united in a university at Nanking.Last but not least, comes the Mission MedicalCollege at Nanking, which is to be supported by anumber of missions acting together, according to a planwhich has been recently formulated.It will thus be seen that among those who are incharge of schools for young men there is a strong andgrowing sentiment in favor of a closer union in Christian educational work, and it becomes increasingly evidentthat onl}- by a more hearty and far-reaching cooperationcan our educational institutions meet the demands of thetimes and carry out successfully and economically thework which has been so well begun. Denomiuationalismand personal ambition, it is hoped, will yield more andmore to that spirit of unity and self-sacrifice which isneeded in all branches of our mission work, anddeuominationalism has perhaps less reason for existencein medical and educational work than in some otherdepartments of Christian service.There are quite a number of small boarding-schoolsin the seven provinces of Central and East CentralChina which have not yet become large enough to beclassed in the lists already given. They are doing agrand work with a very small equipment of teachersand funds and housed in inadequate buildings. Theyare overshadowed by government schools with fine

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