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106 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Methodist Episcopal Church. The largest that ofNanking is a union institution under the joint control of the American Methodist Episcopal, AmericanPresbyterian, and Foreign Christian (Disciples) Missions. This union was effected within the past year,and as a union university its work has very encouragingprospects.All of these universities make a specialty of English,and most of their advanced work is conducted throughthe medium of the English language. In this, St. John stakes the leading position. Many of its graduates areimportant positions where a knowledge of Englishfillingis required, and many have gone to America for furtherinstruction.These universities are all decidedly Christian intheir aims, and religious instruction forms an importantpart of the regular course.COLLEGES.Next to the universities we shall attempt a briefaccount of the mission colleges of Central China. Thesecolleges are, in some instances, not up to the standard offull-fledged colleges of arts, and all have a larger numberin their preparatory classes than in their college departments. In some cases it would perhaps be more correctto classify them as junior colleges" or high schools ;yet they are all doing genuine educational work, and areso far above the average government school in generalefficiency, and especially in discipline, that it is not unfair to class them as colleges. In the list below we giveonly those which have a hundred or more students :Name. Location. Founded. Students.William Nast College Kiukiang 1883 244Hangchow College Hangchow 1844 145Anglo-Chinese College Shanghai 18-82 180Trinity College Ningpo 1876 103English Methodist College ,, 1906 106778

MISSION SCHOOLS KOR MKN AND BOYS.IC>7In the above list we have not mentioned the Methodist College at Wenchow, as that has been groupedwith the southern section.COI.LEGKS, HIGH SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES, AND MIDDLESCHOOLS WITH LESS THAN IOO AND MORETHAN 40 STUDENTS.In this class we give the names of some which mightproperly be included in the class above, but which aredebarred from that list because of their lack of the fullquota of loo students.ANHWEI. Location. Founded. Students.St. Paul s High School Anking ... 50St. James School Wuhu ... 50CHKKIANG.Waviand Academy Haugchow 1899 95Huchow District School Huchow ... 76Kashing High School Kashing ^99 63HONAN.Norman McPhee Bovs }~. . , cSchoolj-ChangtehfuHUNAN.The Yale College in China Changsha 1906 46Lakeside School Yochow 72DJillM.as.fh 01 (FimiiSh5075Tsingshih 67IHUPRH.American Church School IchangChurch of Scotland Train- )... 108ing InstitutionfGriffith John College Hankow ... 86Preparatory School Wuchang ... 82Wuchang High School ,, ... 130Norwegian Lutheran ), . .Boarding School L*oh k4ofSiangA*angfu Academy Siatigyaugfu ... 4^

106 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Methodist Episcopal Church. The largest that ofNanking is a union institution under the joint control of the American Methodist Episcopal, AmericanPresbyterian, and Foreign Christian (Disciples) Missions. This union was effected within the past year,and as a union university its work has very encouragingprospects.All of these universities make a specialty of English,and most of their advanced work is conducted throughthe medium of the English language. In this, St. John stakes the leading position. Many of its graduates areimportant positions where a knowledge of Englishfillingis required, and many have gone to America for furtherinstruction.These universities are all decidedly Christian intheir aims, and religious instruction forms an importantpart of the regular course.COLLEGES.Next to the universities we shall attempt a briefaccount of the mission colleges of Central China. Thesecolleges are, in some instances, not up to the standard offull-fledged colleges of arts, and all have a larger numberin their preparatory classes than in their college departments. In some cases it would perhaps be more correctto classify them as junior colleges" or high schools ;yet they are all doing genuine educational work, and areso far above the average government school in generalefficiency, and especially in discipline, that it is not unfair to class them as colleges. In the list below we giveonly those which have a hundred or more students :Name. Location. Founded. Students.William Nast College Kiukiang 1883 244Hangchow College Hangchow 1844 145Anglo-Chinese College Shanghai 18-82 180Trinity College Ningpo 1876 103English Methodist College ,, 1906 106778

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